Name JaLiSa MiTcHeLL
Nickname :ChEeKz:.Do you often embarass yourself?
Do you have out with ppl who embarass themselves or you? No CaUsE If U eMbArAsS Me Ima eMbArAsS Ya DuMb AsS BaCk
Have you ever said 'I Love You' and meant it? YeS
Future Daughters name? DeStAnY
Future Sons name? DeShAwN
Do you have siblings? YeS, 3
Do you consider love a mistake? No
What do you find to be romantic? GoIng OuT 2 DiNnER, DeN CuMiN HoMe & WaTcHn MoViEs
What do you look for in a girl/guy? StReEt SmArT, GoTtA HaVe MONEY
Best physical feature? fAcE, AnD HiS jEwLS
Best hair color? bROwN oR bLaCk
Best eye color? bRoWn Or hAzEL
Best height? 5'6 - 6'0
Best personality feature? sEnSe Of HuMoR
Do you get jealous easily? YeS
Whats a turn-on? SeXy Eyes And a Thug
Whats a turn-off? WhEn He ThInKs He KnoWs EvErYtHiNg
What is the worst thing about the opp. sex? ThEy LeAvE ThE ToILeT SeAt Up!
Are you shallow? No, I DoN'T ThInK So
*FOR GIRLS* Does the size "below" matter? HeLL YeA!!
Would u ever commit yourself 100% to some1? YeS
Would you ever use someone? SaD 2 SaY
Have you ever got cheated on YuP
*:.Diary Of A Mad Black Woman.:* *:.Last Holiday.: *:.All About The Benjamins.:* *:.BabyBoy.:* *:.Paid In Full.:*
*:.Girlfriends.:* *:.Stronger Medicine.:* *:.Law & Order SVU.:* *:.106 & Park(Wild out Wednesday).:* *:.Bet.:* *:.Lifetime.:*
The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lives | I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage | Join the Pastafarians | Bring back the pirates! Add me as a friend fsmismyhero
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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti MonsterNo Doubt In Ma Mind Ma Mom! She's Been There for me always. No one could ever take her place. Through the good and the bad she has always been by my side. Even though she may never agree with some of the things that I do she got ma back and I will always have hers. Blood is thicker than water! Even though life has been hard for us for the past couple of years she has always held her head up and took care of her responsibilities with a smile on her face. She never shows her weak side even when shes hittin ha breakn point. She always take risk and dares to do the unthinkable. My mom is my Hero. i luv her. Ma ACE. Ma Stickgurl. Ma Mom.
C Cheerful
H Happy
E Excellent
E Extreme
K Kinky
Z Zany
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