I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I just marrieed the hottest and coolest girl ever!! I enjoy music; playing music; listening to music; most sports; WWII memorabilia, baseball, basketball (playing, not watching), football, bowling, and golf (the range, not the course). I enjoy shooting pistols, rifles, shotguns, and ducks. One of my favorite activities to participate in is trying to impersonate famous people with awesome voices. I've decided that I would give up my Connery, Deniro, Uncle Jemima, and Pacino for a good, quality John Madden...it's so difficult. I also play Age of Empires with my bros - it's not nerdy if you play on a Mac, right?
I enjoy bands such as, but not limited to: Death Cab For Cutie, Feeder, Sleeping At Last, Jimmy Eat World, Pink Floyd, Acceptance, Coldplay, The Fray, Moby, Foo Fighters, Damien Rice, Dishwalla, Jason Morant, Eisley, Supertramp, Idaho, Frank Sinatra, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jump Little Children, Led Zeppelin, Mute Math, Journey, The Postal Service, Sarin, and if Marcus Gafford was a rap artist, I'd dig him too...
I don't have a favorite movie because there are too many. I'm a huge fan of the Ben Stiller classics...Heavyweights, Zoolander, Dodgeball, etc...Will Ferrel movies = outstanding. Any Clint Eastwood movie. If I had one movie to watch for the rest of my life it would be The Notebook. If I could pick two movies to watch the rest of my life, it would be The Notebook and Pootie Tang - that last part was a joke.
Lost, of course. I wish I had time to watch 24, because everyone and their mom watches it. I love House, and I'm bummed that Studio 60 got canned.
The Holy Bible. iTunes for Dummies. Guitar for Dummies.