MY HUBBY!!!!PLEASE READ!!!!Let the Revolution Commenceby: Jerrin HoltClosed my mind and conjured the spirits of Martin and MalcomI talked with them as we soared over ghettos like a falconWe watched and wept for the niggas losing the raceNever knew the sacrifice of their grandparents in the first placeYoung bloodsDeep in the cash danceSelling rock and lesser chemical lifters just to advanceThere was a time when the nigger died out and was accepted no moreBut we've regressed as niggers pump murder from the neighborhood storesHarsh realities of economic drainHave forced us into a battle in which we remainBlack people united and sick of the fateCreated the Black Panthers to enforce their own stateGovernor Reagan damn near head of the klanGave the green light and placed blood on his handsPopped our conscious socialist and radical mindsEliminated our power and set us behindThat in its self became the last stepBabies were born without knowledge or respectOf the time when we died to raise our fistIn a state of shock we looked for a trickBamboozled and deceived crack hit the landWe invited it in to capitalize on its demandTo keep on the lightsTo prevent marital fightsAll the while disintegrating a cause"All for one and one for all"It then became, "I'ma get mine you bets get yours"The lack of unification spelled pride no moreMy mother's friends affected 3 out of 5Did time, smoked crack or are no longer aliveCan we blame the failure of a movement on self inflicted blowsIt's not like we had the means to bloody our own noseOne finger points to me and four point back to youSince day one of American slavery, you've stuck our feet in glueTook me from my kingdom in the beautiful wildBrought me across the sea and stole from me my smileMade me build your country as you raped the native's wivesKilled off their men and forced them to divideUnder your rule I watched you contradictCalled yourself a Christian as rape and murder you did commitFast forward to a time when a change had to comeYour punk ass put on sheets and came at me with gunsStruck fear into my heartKnew that I would not fight backBurned and hung me from a treeIt is a documented factThen prosperity came swift as two decades changed the gameThe 50s and 60s brought much awaited changeEquality and civil rights did not come that easyWith power of the state you plotted and policed meConspired to extinguish life of black leaders and their alliesMalcom, Martin, John and Bobby, while all for black advancementAll violently diedWe went back to your warBrought us no victory or gainLanded us back in this fucked up AmericaTo be this country's stainDesperate and depleted I became bitter and lostSo back again comes Reagan the Reaganomic bossDidn't I just see you in the Golden StateYou allowed your officers to assassinatePowerful panthers who threatened your courseAnd now you're the PresidentBack to use forceIt has become quite evident you created the flameThat turned into fire and blazed the remainsOf any sense of self as I now lived misplaced and stressedThe rich just got richer while I suffered to stay abreastSo you made lanes for me and sold me a lieAllowed crack in D.C. to help me get byDesperate was I and a fool all the sameI jumped on the campaign and came up in the gameSaw not the effects until later yearsWith the help of crack rock you had eased all your fearsSome of the best and brightest were locked behind barsRidiculous sentences for living like stars"A nigger can't make it, let's clean up the streets""Lock them up for anything, plant crack in their jeeps"Wave one of your plan took out too many brothers to countYou crippled our hoods and would not let us outLiquor stores and whores you see on every cornerYour media sells dreams of fucked up black personasNow you control us with ignorant blissHype up my man 50Lead black kids to do gangsta shitBut what we don't see is that it's all just a planTo eliminate the incredible, undeniable, strong willed black manYou've used television to brain wash young minds of todayMusic videos and shows illustrate that violence is the wayLead us to believe in a reality that is unreal as a flying carThat the life of a rapper is not really all that farSo we strive to give chaseSpend years on the grind just a dumb fucking wasteNiggas are rampantBlack people are notSomeone speaks out gets reprimandedWhile glory goes to the cat that got shotYou don't know the repercussions of things that you doWe actually live in this shit motherfucker, quite unlike youOn you I place the blame you played a major roleIn the downfall of a people who have been given gravel for goldI cannot stop you now but one day I willI need to reboot the black systemI can and I willI will remember the pastHistory's aches and moansI'll tell of a way out and give the answers to my ownI will start with my children educate them as to why they're eliteTeach them to love and respect their black hands and black feetTell them just how strong and intelligent they areGive them the power to take this revolution afarIgnite in them the anger that made Malcom want to fightSupply them the love and wisdom that helped Martin uniteProvide them the courage that helped Huey take a standAllow them to communicate as I do with this pen in my handAs deep in the ground as you believe us to beWe shall sprout a new bud and grow strong like the oak treeSome of your own will join us and resist your color callRacist government and redneck bastards overtime they shall fallAnd since you are Christian and believe in its themeYou know that good prevails over evil in time you shall seeI am of a new breed enlightened and awareWill never not give a fuck and won't fail not to careI owe this to my ancestors who hung from Poplar treesI owe this to the natives whose land was wrongfully breachedAnd a nigger you can call me as you try to deny me peaceBut my spirit you cannot break and my mind will continue to dreamThe result of a revolution that shall not be overcomeYou've had your last victory and no more will I runI am out to get you devil, oppressor, dear chiefThis is not your country and I do not agreeFuck your war in IraqFuck your political gamesFuck your racist anticsFuck your dishonest reignI'll start at the bottom and make my way up to youAnd move you out of the wayThat's just what I'll doBecause you've feared me for so long and that I know trueThat is why you've schemed to keep me down and my feet stuck in glueNo more I proclaimI'll fix it myselfDecedents of George, Thomas, Andrew, and AbrahamWill not hold me in checkBlack man, black manLearn me good and hear me wellVictory we will achieveEven if we must snatch it from hellCopyrighted by Jerrin Holt 3.8.07
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Different people that make differences in the world by giving back to others not just to themselves. Black doctors that have done and started very successful businesses. The when its all said and done my maker, provider and friend.
I love R&B, Reggae, and Rap/HipHop (the ones that can really rap not too many nowadays)One of my favo artist... thx be to Simone!
Action, comedy, and scary movies
I love America's Next Top Model, one on one, Girlfriends, Bernie Mac Show, etc...., The Wire and others!!!
Which female R&B artist are you?
BEYONCE: Family and love. You treasure both as much as you do your Popeye's fried chicken. You are blessed with many talents and are not afraid to utilize them. You are an emotional person, falling into love dangerously. But you are truly Bonnie to your man's Clyde and are down enough to watch a basketball game with him. Your girls love your playful personality and know that whatever happens, you got their back.
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Their were watching God, On the DL, Coldest winter ever; The best poem in a long time:"The Black American"by Smokey Robinson "I love being Black. I love being called Black. I love being an American. I love being a Black American, but as a Black man in this country I think it's a shame That every few years we get a change of name. Since those first ships arrived here from Africa that came across the sea There were already Black men in this country who were free. And as for those that came over here on those terrible boats, They were called niggah and slave And told what to do and how to behave. And then master started trippin' and doing his midnight tippin', Down to the slave shacks where he forced he and Great-Great Grandma to be together, And if Great-Great Grandpa protested, he got tarred and feathered. And at the same time, the Black men in the country who were free, Were mating with the tribes like the Apache and the Cherokee. And as a result of all that, we're a parade of every shade. And as in this late day and age, you can be sure, They ain't too many of us in this country whose bloodline is pure. But, according to a geological, geographical, genealogy study published in Time Magazine, The Black African people were the first on the scene, So for what it's worth, the Black African people were the first on earth And through migration, our characteristics started to change, and rearrange, To adapt to whatever climate we migrated to. And that's how I became me, and you became you. So, if we gonna go back, let's go all the way back, And if Adam was Black and Eve was Black, Then that kind of makes it a natural fact that everybody in America is an African American. Everybody in Europe is an African European; everybody in the Orient is an African Asian And so on and so on, That is, if the origin of man is what we're gonna go on. And if one drop of Black blood makes you Black like they say, Then everybody's Black anyway. So quit trying to change my identity. I'm already who I was meant to be I'm a Black American, born and raised. And brother James Brown wrote a wonderful phrase, "Say it loud, I'm Black and I'm proud! Say it loud, I'm Black and I'm proud!" Cause I'm proud to be Black and I ain't never lived in Africa, And 'cause my Great-Great Granddaddy on my Daddy's side did, don't mean I want to go back. Now I have nothing against Africa, It's where some of the most beautiful places and people in the world are found. But I've been blessed to go a lot of places in this world, And if you ask me where I choose to live, I pick America, hands down. Now, by and by, we were called Negroes, and after while, that name has vanished. Anyway, Negro is just how you say "black" in Spanish. Then, we were called colored, but shit, everybody's one color or another, And I think it's a shame that we hold that against each other. And it seems like we reverted back to a time when being called Black was an insult, Even if it was another Black man who said it, a fight would result, Cause we've been so brainwashed that Black was wrong, So that even the yellow niggahs and black niggahs couldn't get along. But then, came the 1960s when we struggled and died to be called equal and Black, And we walked with pride with our heads held high and our shoulders pushed back, And Black was beautiful. But, I guess that wasn't good enough, Cause now here they come with some other stuff. Who comes up with this shit anyway? Was it one, or a group of niggahs sitting around one day? Feelin' a little insecure again about being called Black And decided that African American sounded a little more exotic. Well, I think you were being a little more neurotic. It's that same mentality that got "Amos and Andy" put off the air, Cause' they were embarrassed about the way the character's spoke. And as a result of that action, a lot of wonderful Black actors ended up broke. When we were just laughin' and have fun about ourselves. So I say, "fuck you if you can't take a joke." You didn't see the "Beverly Hillbilly's" being protested by white folks. And if you think, that cause you think that being called African American set all Black people's mind at ease….. Since we affectionately call each other "niggah", I affectionately say to you, "niggah Please". How come I didn't get the chance to vote on who I'd like to be? Who gave you the right to make that decision for me? I ain't under your rule or in your dominion And I am entitled to my own opinion. Now there are some African Americans here, But they recently moved here from places like Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Zaire. But, now the brother who's family has lived in the country for generations, Occupying space in all the locations New York, Miami, L.A., Detroit, Chicago- Even if he's wearing a dashiki and sporting an afro. And, if you go to Africa in search of your race, You'll find out quick you're not an African American, You're just a Black American in Africa takin' up space. Why you keep trying to attach yourself to a continent, Where if you got the chance and you went, Most people there would even claim you as one of them; as a pure bread daughter or son of them. Your heritage is right here now, no matter what you call yourself or what you say And a lot of people died to make it that way. And if you think America is a leader on inequality and suffering and grievin' How come there so many people comin' and so few leavin'? Rather than all this 'find fault with America' fuck you promotin', If you want to change something, use your privilege, get to the polls! Commence to votin'! God knows we've earned the right to be called American Americans and be free at last. And rather than you movin' forward progress, you dwelling in the past. We've struggled too long; we've come too far. Instead of focusing on who we were, let's be proud of who we are. We are the only people whose name is always a trend. When is this shit gonna end? Look at all the different colors of our skin- Black is not our color. It's our core. It's what we been livin' and fightin' and dyin' for. But if you choose to be called African American and that's your preference Then I 'll give you that reference But I know on this issue I don't stand alone on my own and if I do, then let me be me And I'd appreciate it if when you see me, you'd say, "there goes a man who says it loud I'm Black. I'm Black. I'm a Black American, and I'm proud Cause I love being an American. And I love being Black. I love being called Black. Yeah, I said it, and I don't take it back." Smokey Robinson Def Poets, 3rd Season May 16, 2003 (c)
Jesus Chirst, My momma, Relo, and my other family members that is holding it down while out here getting them degrees!!!!!