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About Me

I dislike our way of living, we burn way too much fossil fuel for our planet to substain itself and we are almost near the point where climate change will be irreversible. How much stuff do we need? Do we even need this site? Weren't we just as happy before this site came about? I guess you already think I am crazy but they also said that about the scientist who said New Orleans shouldn't be built below sea level decades ago and guess who was right? Not the government but the scientist! So you can either keep listenning to your CNN and music videos and forget that your children or grandchildren will be born into a chaotic world where governments will be fighting over water since the ice on the alps is melting so fast it will be gone in by the next century. Stop buying Aquafina and Dasani which is the same tap water you get at your house [it even says so on the bottle]. These companies are selling you your own tap water for 3000 times the price it cost them. You can be doing something about it, like supporting your local farms and business' instead of massive corperation who feed us untested genetically engineered foods which Europe gladly banned. We can sign petitions so that our governments stop allowing the clear cutting of our ancient forest (I highly recommend you to stop using Kimberly Clark products such as Kleenex, Scotts towel, ect because they use paper that comes from the ancient trees in Vancouver). You can do a lot and it isn't hard at all. It is still possible for us to make the St Lawrence river clean, so clean that you wont be affraid to swin in it but there is not much time left, maybe a decade or two before mankind's actions are irreversible and a chain of events will lead an apocalyptic world remenicient of the Revelations. Most importantly, do not let your governments lead you into foolish wars over strategic resources.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is as concerned as I am.