Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
playing guitar and various other instruments, playing basketball and other sports that involve spherical objects, stuff that is funny, weird knowledge of things and other trivial pursuits... going to the Beach and rivers, i enjoy spontaneousness in the worst way...that's about it...
Old friends whom I have lost touch with or intentionally alienated. (sorry)
But, I mainly use this for blogging purposes.If you insist on befriending me...It's easy. You just need to make sure you're not a whore or trying to sell me something. Then e-mail me with something cool to say, along with a list of references who have known you for 5 years or more, and can vouch for your supposed "coolness". Also, I need to have known you at sometime in the past, or present. In a rare case where I haven't known you in the past or present; you might wanna come off as someone pretty cool or have intellegent and funny things to say. That is step 1.Not many make it past step 1. That's how I know it's a viable system. So, to those of you who are on my friends made it. For those of you who wish to be...see step 1. (there are people who are inherently cool and come off that way when writing me something)GOOD LUCK!!P.S. That was merely an example of the sarcasm I was talking about....
Old school Hip-Hop, Punk, Drum & Bass, I also enjoy Classical and Indie music. I like anything original. I am kind of a music Nazi. I DO NOT LIKE COUNTRY-POP FUSION CRAP! SAY NO TO CROP!
Cool Hand Luke.....Papillon.....Dr.Strangelove.....The Big Lebowski.....etc....too many to name...this list could go on forever.I like good movies, comedies, dramas, i'm barely able to tolerate chick-flicks, but have been known to do so if forced or properly motivated by my girlfriend.
I don't really watch it that often. but the Family Guy and the Simpsons are good. Robot Chicken is funny. Jeopardy is a must. I am beginning to cultivate a fine hatred for reality shows and anything on the lifetime channel.
The Catcher in the Rye, A Clockwork Orange, The Ciderhouse Rules, 1984, Breakfast of Champions, Slaughterhouse 5, once again a list that could go on for days, but in the spirit of brevity I will stop.
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