Melina profile picture


Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it

About Me

I LOVE MY CUBBI!!i live in germany where the beer is good, so is the food. i live here with my wonderful hubby of over two years, who is the greatest man on the planet. "I HEART MY SOLDIER!" although i miss my girls, i know they love me as i do them, and no matter how much time goes by, it's always home whenever i'm there. NO ONE COMES CLOSE TO MY GIRLS!! my family is of the greatest importance to me and i miss them all. this is a great opportunity to have, and i don't know too many people who can say they've been to 10 different countries before they reached thirty.i'll see you in the states soon enough... "big up to hurtsville."
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My Interests

reading, writing, hanging with my man, seeing europe, talking to my queens

picture hosting

I'd like to meet:

TOM HANKS!!, kenny chesney, the rock, the entire greatness of dmb, curt shilldogg, big papi, maurice bernard, josh duhamel, the creators of six feet under.
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Always a hero...



DAVE MATTHEWS BAND, anything country, old school rap, kenny chesney, joe don+gary+shannon's man=Rascal flatts


anything with tom hanks or johnny depp, romantic stuff, charlie and the chocolate factory, the notebook, boyz in tha hood, juice, too hot for us history,


tv? what's tv? i love six feet under but it's over!! las vegas, GH, arrested development, scrubs, house, ripley's believe it or not, rescue me,


a million little pieces, five people you meet in heaven, bridge to terebithia, grapes of wrath, where the red fern grows, the stand, the last juror


my wonderful and brave husband, my mom, my family, my friends, any american soldier, people that do things selflessly


My Blog

to my ware girls...misery loves company

To my Wonderful Girls,I just wanted to remind you that I love each and every one of you for what your are, what you are not and what you strive to be every day. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly...
Posted by Melina on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:03:00 PST

"My Cubbi"

lyrics by: Melina Fortin...Composed by: Oscar Myer Cubbi has a first name, It's G-a-rr-e-tt My Cubbi has a second name, It's Fo-rt-in I love my cubbi every dayyyyyyyyyyy, a...
Posted by Melina on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 10:39:00 PST

it's that smell...

that smell that reaches out from some empty place and grabs ahold of every breath and pulls from a completely different spot that makes you feel like maybe you've smelled it before but no, there's no ...
Posted by Melina on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 04:45:00 PST

oh, the insanity!!!

i cannot deal with work! i am so bored half the time and the other half i can't get all the shit done i need to! not to mention i keep getting busted for being on myspace. i just want to check my shit...
Posted by Melina on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 04:33:00 PST

God Bless LizzieTC

I just have to thank the Man Upstairs for sending me "TC" because without her "Ricksgiving" would not exist....Thanks TEEC!!!!
Posted by Melina on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 04:50:00 PST

I am totally buggin'!!

So I am totally buggin'...those who know me know why. I'll manage, though.... BUT....It is official that I have made it since September 10 without smoking a single butt-skie...yup, that's right. I am ...
Posted by Melina on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:06:00 PST


one thing i can't wait for is when dial up dies forever! it is impossible to do anything when you are constantly waiting for the page to open! can't shop online, can't check emails, and FORGET about m...
Posted by Melina on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 06:10:00 PST

White Water Extravaganza!!!

so, we had an amazing time in Austria white water rafting in the COLD water. Josh was buggin' the whole time because the mountains were like huge and not right on top of was funny to see. ...
Posted by Melina on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:29:00 PST

summer fever

it's one of those beautiful spring days when everything just needs to hurry up and turn summertime. MAN!  i just love summer....
Posted by Melina on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 04:25:00 PST


now that i have this thing all fingered out, sort of...i'll humor you...i can't believe it takes falling on my ass to get a day off from work! luckily i have so much cushion back there........
Posted by Melina on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 04:39:00 PST