Making movies, partying like there is no tomorrow, being with friends and the people I love, animals, traveling, life because it's a confusing one, making others happy, acting like a twat or being silly, playing soccer, martial arts, ice hockey, eyes (especially ice blue ones), gmnastics, body piercings, road trips (the spontaneous kind when u just get up and go), going to the pub, clubbing (it's better in Europe), hippies, the ocean (cool place to think),my friends and family, twins, leaening new thingx, BMx bikes and motorcross, hiking, cuddling, definatly not cleaning although I hate a mess,make hemp jewlery, the internet,swimming, be outrageous, Los Angles, movies, music, skateboarding, rollerblading down the board walk and much much more.
Anyone thats funny and is up for a good time! It's all about living baby!
YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME (1996) Add a video to your site Music Video Codes
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A wide Variety, very broad on the spectrume too! I will name a few: Jack Johnson, James Blunt, Jewel, Alex Parks, Keen, Nirvana, Red Hot Chilie Peppers, Ani DeFranco, Sinade O'Connor, The Mamas and Papas, Trance, Techno, R&B and much much more! Aske me and I will tell you, I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ana on and on and on...... catch my drift!
My Dad; Iv'e always been his little love. I also love my mom cause she relates to me in ways non other would. My sis, she is my other half! Withought her I am not complete; and most importantly, my nana, cause she is crazy like me. She is 91 and still loves life, men, sex and rock in roll!!