Sacha Bernardson profile picture

Sacha Bernardson

lave tes oiseaux out in september...

About Me

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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor . ///Pop sur Annuaire des Myspaces
Sacha Bernardson was born in 1983 at bayonne (basque contry, south ouest of france). He start play piano and read music at 5. In 1995, he discover electronic music in free-partys... In 2001, Sacha integrate the art-school of Bayonne where he meet some talented friends like Pilar Bauman or Melina Ibanez... In 2002, he go to the concervatory of music (bayonne), to study experimental music (driven by he's facination of move's music, contamporary composition, noise's orchestra, instrumental's preparation). During 2 years, he built 2 electronica/experimental album (saschimen and rhapsode, never edited).At the beginning of 2006, he meet MaJiKer (directors and music arrangers on Camille’s “le fil.”), and start building "Lave tes oiseaux"....
Venez découvrir l’univers doux-amer, grinçant-mélancolique de ce jeune auteur compositeur interprète. Sacha Bernardson offre des compositions ciselées comme du travail d’orfèvre sur lesquels il pose ses textes personnels emportant dans un univers empli de lyrisme. Son grain de voix particulier le rend reconnaissable entre mille.(par Jean-Maurice Chacun pour bordeaux-actu)
Avec une musique alternative, teintée de pop et d'électro, Sasha Bernardson nous offre un album aux paradoxes nombreux : lumineux, sucré et doux d'une part, ténébreux, torturé et écorché par ailleurs. C'est ce mélange de poésie en prose, de symbolisme moderne, de mélodies tantôt sucrées tantôt acérées que Sacha Bernardson nous offre dans son premier album « Lave tes oiseaux ».
Here’s to two years that I’ve been working on this project, in close collaboration
with Majiker, (between other directors and music arrangers
on Camille’s “le fil.”)
I’ve written this album as a reaction to my studies in contemporary music.
Since a few years during these studies, I have concentrated on rhythms and
harmonies- and an orientation leaning towards Pop vis-à-vis the
“Classical” schema, which would have directed me towards something totally
So, I imagined a universe where I could reconcile Pop with my musical
background and experimentation.
I put aside a little collection of songs composed on guitar; and it was only a
matter of finding the core of the project- nothing but the guitar. Majiker
and I decided to compose all the basic rhythms with the guitar whilst
finding and exploiting all of this instrument’s sonic capabilities…
It was also logical for me to integrate strong, traditional elements such as
Bulgarian song and Flamenco- as it was necessary for me to uphold and stick by
my influences in order to be relieved from them afterwards…
At present, there is nothing left to apart from the publication of my album…
You can listen to some of the songs on the following sites:
and a artblog, with comments & visual about lave tes oiseaux HERE:
lave tes oiseaux

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Ceci n'est pas un clip!!! c'est une video projection pour la scene... les enfants d'abord (projection)

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: on studio: sacha bernardson: voices, guitars('s noises), bAEt bOxs... Majiker: arrangements, programations, piano('s noises), a bit of beat box, a lot of patience, pation, and a big friendly support (thanx a lot matt!!!) flamenco guitars: carlos casado!!!! bass: benjamin durand!!!on live: sacha bernardson: voices looper, beats on mpc, guitars and many noises from the air.... & LUIS GARATE BLANES!!! guitars and voices (we hope soon)

Stephany Rajalingam/
Gaelle Pertot/
Thomas Marcusson/
Julien Techoueyres &
Marseline Smetek/
Baptiste Chardin/
Sacha Bernardson/

Influences: nature, body, my envineronment.... kate bush,pilar bauman, nina hagen, david ballula, leila, bjork, aphex twin, mr bungle, regina spektor, joanna newsome, Ddamage, liars, chick corea, andreas wolenweider, zazou, yellow, the chap,pj harvey,alec empire, the notwist, , ekova, beck,april march,sonic youth, juliette, jorane, hypo....pipilotti rist, camille...Majiker..claire diterzi, tender forever** tea time, cofee time, blue morning light, my lovely absinthe partys,
Sounds Like: my air...
Record Label: kif records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Videos (french)

Posted by Sacha Bernardson on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:24:00 PST

in the guitar machine

When the idea of uniquely using the guitar as a 'melodic vector,' emerged, I was scared of falling into my comfort zone and monotony. In this period, I only possessed a crappy 4-track recording device...
Posted by Sacha Bernardson on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 04:07:00 PST


Here's to two years that I've been working on this project, in close collaboration with Majiker, (between other directors and music arrangers on Camille's "le fil.")I've written this album as a react...
Posted by Sacha Bernardson on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 08:01:00 PST