My interests today are pretty basic~My son, Braxton takes up most of my time, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I have waited a LONG time for this, and I don't want to miss a second with him. I'm anxious for him to meet the world and grow up to be a little like his mama and a LOT like his daddy (if he's lucky.) Steve has proven to be EXACTLY what I suspected all along, an INCREDIBLE father. He is right there with me for every feeding, burping, changing and tear that falls. I can't believe how lucky I am to have been blessed with a wonderful family full of love. Watch out world.. Baby Gingerich is here and he's gonna rock the house!!!
I'd like to meet:
Intelligent people with good hearts
Are the shit.. I love to watch movies.. I'll list all my favorites soon!
Is full of guilty kept to yourself.
It is the sworn oath of every citizen and public servant "to DEFEND the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC."Sadly, most of the flag-waiving self-proclaimed 'patriots' do not have the first clue of what it involves. True patriots intimately understand the U.S. Constitution and the fact that WE, THE PEOPLE, through our consent, grant our government powers (NOT THE REVERSE) for ONE reason ONLY, TO SECURE OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS. Our founding fathers warned that "the government is an evil servant that must be bound by the chains of the Constitution" and left unchecked will always grow into tyranny. Without open criticism, dissent, and close vigilance by its people, a republic can not survive.Knowledge is our single greatest asset. Arm yourself with it, as much and as quickly as possible. Our mission is to liberate and disseminate suppressed information to the people, for the people, by the people. However, blindly trust no one, not even us. Seek the truth on your own.SEARCH, LEARN, UNITE: What is happening right now as we sleep? Why is this info being so intensely buried? Why are so many American's uninformed, apathetic, or willfully ignorant? What can be done?All top mainstream media outlets have fallen to methodical monopolization, owned now by a handful of mega-corporations with political ties and profound conflicts of interest. The Internet has become our last vestige of hope for freedom however that is also quickly eroding. (see very liberties we enjoy today have been paid for in blood by patriots before us. Unbeknownst to many, our Constitution is now under vicious siege. It is the time for all good Americans to come to the aid of their country. Patriots answer her dire call.
All of my wonderful, close friends. I have recently re-fallen in love with all of my friends.. old and new. They are the most amazing people I've ever known. I'm a lucky girl...