Hockey, The Leafs, Friends, Movies, Poetry, Sports in general, Caps ahahahaha, the colour blue, vanilla, I actually love school
Anyone and everyone! I'll get to know anyone. Sometimes you learn the greatest things from the people you would least expect...
Three Days Grace, The Used, Dashboard Confessional, Eminem, Daniel Powter, Micheal Buble, Josh Groban, Keith Urban, Tomi Swick, Backstreet Boys, Pilot, Johnny Cash, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, Coldplay..and the list goes on!
Annapolis, Tristan & Isolde, Walk The Line, Hostel, Man IN the Moon, Shawshank Redemption, The Fifth Element, Serenity,
Medium, Family Guy, The O.C, CSI, ER
1984, Ahmed's War, Ahmed's Peace, Catcher in The Rye
Andrew Blakey You're the only person who takes my breath away.... I love you!