How to make a Joeli
5 parts mercy
1 part brilliance
5 parts joy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of sadness
Personality cocktail
I love to read, and like to surf the net, of course. I'm on the choir at my church and enjoy singing - at church, in the car, you name it. ..
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Jesus one day - but I'm not in that big of a hurry. I'd like to meet my favorite author, Dean Koontz, one day. That would be so groovy!
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I like different types of music, but now stay with Gospel. Now, that can mean Christian rap, rock, reggae, and traditional and contemporary R&B gospel. And I love jazz. Lori Perry is too groovy! (Check her out if you've never heard of her.) And Kirk Whalum's Gospel According to Jazz (parts one and two) were off the hook!
(And no, by the way, this ain't me!) ;o)
About all I watch are cartoons and sports. Oh, and CSI. I LOVE CSI!! The original in Las Vegas. Occasionally, I'll try and catch one of the others.
My favorite authos is Dean Koontz. If you like him, check out Ted Dekker. Click this book cover to go to his site and learn more about him. Use ACCESS CODE FG327R for more information about his upcoming novel, Saint. Any of the Alex Cross books by James Patterson are good. And I like Frank Peretti, just about any Christian suspense fiction. Michelle Bowen ROCKS with contemporary Christian romance/fiction too! Her new book, Holy Ghost Corner, is due out September 20th.
Myspace Layouts, Contact Tables & More! I had to come back and re-write this one. My husband is my hero. A hero is someone who does the hard things, not because that's what they want to do, but because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Every day, my husband gets up and goes to a job that drags him down so much. And when he's off, he gets up at 0-dark-thirty in the morning to drive a truck - so he can do what God intended for him to do and take care of his family. He doesn't realize how special he is to me or how much of a wonderful person he is. But I do. I love him, I respect him, and he's my hero.
After him being my Number One hero, no one else immediately comes to mind. I admire anyone who who isn't afraid to be themself in a world where everyone seems to be concerned about conforming. I admire all the young men who are NOT out there selling drugs, but are getting their education and working at Wendy's or something. Real, decent, hard-working folks - those are my heroes.
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