\m/WASTED YOUTH\m/ profile picture


True love is hard to find....But im glad that i have..And her name is Azumi=)

About Me

Online Now IconsFuck!, uhmmm..... where do i fucken start? well, if any of you are freaked out by my background thats a picture of Mayhems former lead singer "DEAD". im not in any way advertising suicide, i just use it as a background to pay respect to him and the band MAYHEM. this pic was also the cover on there tribute album "DAWN OF THE BLACKHEARTS" to DEAD. let me start off by saying that im really into my music which is mostly rock. to people music is just another form of entertainment...soft...slow...heavy....whatever you wanna call it. to me...music is life...im very dedicated and very proud to listen to it...its what gets me out of my bed, its what keeps me goin in this fuckt up life...in other words music is my pulse...im nothing without it.... I listen to punk, emo, post-hardcore, heavy metal, death metal, screamo, grunge, alternative, indie, speed metal, doom metal, industrial, ska, thrash metal, rap metal, black metal, pinoy rock, classic rock, and acoustic. i play bass/acoustic/electric guitars, really into film editing, movies, photography and all that shit. i also like blowing up shit!!!! fuck yeah!!!! FIRE!!! lighter fluid is my bestfriend. cussing of course, weapons, I fucken love moshing, FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!! theres nothing more better than being in the pit. if nobody starts a pit, i will!!!! i also like writing down my own lyrics and poetry...eh, its an okay hobby i guess. i dont expect alot from people..just treat me the same way you want to be treated. i fucken hate plastic people, if you are one.... dont even bother getting to know me, i dont wanna waste my fucken time on sad, disgusting fucks like you. i also hate fucken people who dress all rocker and shit and shows off about it and doesnt even know a goddamn thing about being one and what its music represents...if your dressing up just for the attention and just because its some kind of a popular trend....i know i shouldnt judge people for what they look but dont ever come up to me or look at me and act badass about it cuz i guarantee youll regret it you waste of life!!! have some fucken respect for what this genre of music stands for and for the people who dedicate there lives to it every fucken day and im FUCKEN proud to be one of them! cuz this has never been a popularity contest from the beginning and i and my friends dont dress out for the attention, we would careless what people think about how we look...so please for your safety...i also hate rich and spoiled people who goes around and piss off other people who arent as fortuanate as them. a BIG FUCK YOU TO THOSE PEOPLE!!!! SEE YOU AT HELLS GATE! I am also deeply in love with a special someone=) her name is Azumi Ishida and she is my one and only true love

My Interests

listening to music mostly rock,i especially like the fast and aggressive kind of rock that makes me wanna get up and fight and mosh my ass off!!! i also like film editing, photography, playing bass, electric, and acoustic guitars. Black clothing and items. Skateboarding, moshing, reading, getting fucken wasted!!!! movies, blowing stuff up!!! cussing, weapons, and other shit!!!! ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me
basic info
name: Albert
what do people call you?: Bert
birthday: 8/9/88
current location: Saipan.....
height: 5'7
eye color: black
hair color: black
righty or lefty?: right
a few questions
do you believe in god?: dont ask....
do you have a religion?: fuck this question
do you speak another language?: Tagalog
do you live in the moment?: sometimes....i think...
do consider yourself tolerant of others?: not really....
are you confident?: Sometimes....
are you a daredevil?: When im fuckt up kiyeah!!!
what is the compliment you get from most people?: dont really care...its all the same to me.
what do you like the most about your body?: eyes....
do you think you are good looking?: i dont think so.....
do have any bad habits?: i have a couple.....
what's your biggest fear?: Losing my Honey......
do play an instrument?: Bass and a little bit of drums
can you sing?: nope, i scream!!!! and fucken shout!!!
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: cant think of anything.....
what is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Treat people the same way you wanna be treated
do you think life has been good so far?: not really.....the only good part is having my Honey around....
is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Theres quite alot actually.....
do you believe in love at first sight?: FUCK YEAH!!
do you kiss on first date?: if the girl wants to then yeah sure why not.
do you have sex on first date?: I WISH!!! just joking=)Hey im a dude you know! what do you expect.
color: Black
number: 1...
food: Pizza, and other stoner food.
drink: Monster, pepsi, sunkist, and tea.
alcoholic drink: Vodka, Tequila, Gin, Rum, Bacardi, Screwdrivers, and the list goes on..im a hard drinker.
country: Amsterdam!!!!! and Japan.
animal: Panda!! fuck yeah i gotta own one before i die.
season: Winter
day of the week: Friday
name: Bert
have you ever...
been arrested?: Almost...for illegal possesion of(PUT NAME OF DRUG HERE)
kissed someone of the same sex?: Fuck no, but they try to kiss me!
done something you regret?: Ive done alotta shit that i fucken regret...
smiled for no reason?: yeah....sad i know....
laughed so hard you cried?: KIYEAH!!!
sang to someone for no reason?: Yup, to my honey=)
talked to someone you don’t know?: alot of times, especially when i was on Guam.
broken the law?: Lots of times with fellow protege's!!
been in a car accident?: Yeah
run into a wall?: Many times in the past.
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Thats for pussies.
cried over a movie?: Almost.
been so drunk that you cant remember?: Lots of times.
stayed home from school?: YES.
been out of state?: never been to the states if thats what you mean.
in the opposite sex
hair color: Black
eye color: Hazel
height: which ever, im not picky.
body type: Slender
short or long hair?: both
tattoos/piercings?: fuck yeah, thats fucken sexy in my opinion.
hot or cute?: both, i fall for both cuz you know its hard to choose.
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I'd like to meet:

Corey Taylor of Slipknot and Stone Sour, the last remaining members of NIRVANA, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Quentin Tarantino,Rocker chicks and anyone...i like meeting new people

Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures



Death Metal(fuck yeah!!!), indie, punk, ska, post hardcore, heavy metal, speed metal, emo, rap metal, industrial, grunge, black metal, classic, acoustic, and techno. but i cant get enough of that HEAVY SHIT!!! im always looking for fucken heavy music that when you listen to it...it makes you wanna Headbang till you feel like your neck is about to break!!!! i listen to bands like AFI, the used, my chemical romance, from first to last, death by stereo, the killerz, blink 182, green day, coheed and combria, bane, blood brothers, mxpx, millencolin, fall out boy, daftpunk, kamikazee(pinoyrock band), wolfgang, slapshock, the Melvins, Belvedere, Reveille, HED(PE), greyhoundz, eraserheads, kjwan, cheese, kings of leon, mayonnaise, sandwhich, the suicide machines, matchbook romance, weakerthans, alkaline trio, dropkick murphys, something corporate, sublime, tegan and sarah, guttermouth, eight finger down, crash romeo, chiodos, i am ghost, all time low, time again, love equals death, good riddance, the banner, the expendables, postal service, CKY, atreyu, avenge sevenfold, trivium, black sabbath, slayer, deicide, slipknot, cannibal corpse, six feet under, dope, static x, massacre, wecamewithbrokenteeth, autopsy, Amon amarth, angel corpse, blood red throne, abscess, Athiest, gorerotted, gorguts, gorefest, grotesque, obituary, Salem, visceral bleeding, Nile, dead horse, decay, diablo, massacra, lord gore, crusher, dark lunacy, demigod, murder squad, morgoth, Death, dark tranquility, mercyless, slow agony, impaled, in flames, god dethroned, god macabre, grave, celtic frost, evildead, flesh made sin, holy terror, overkill, razor, toxic holocaust, wargasm, gwar, eject, deathchain, delirio, Am i blood, acid reign, Nortt, switch blade, thud, tyranny,los kung-fu monkeys, abigail(japanese black metal band), bloodaxe, demonlord, dusk, ex-devil, sabbat, sigh, unlord, acid king, beaver, beyond dawn, funeral, frozen tears, estatic fear, morphia, malevolent creation, kaamos, Mayhem, disembowelment, napalm death, dissection, disincarnate, nightrage, daath, cryptopsy, bloodbath, hate eternal, broken hope, inhume, cadaver, cancer, carcass, living sacrifice, atrocity, avenger, edge of sanity, hate plow, polluted inheritence, illdisposed, your own decay, unanimated, the chasm, chaos breed, confessor, tool, red hot chili peppers, rage against the machine, 311, vader, HIM, system of a down, gorgoroth, moonspell, SOD, Mirza, April morning skies, Drop in Error, Kabaong Ni Kamatayan(KNK), Askals, Typecast, Arms of the few, carrion, descant gott, Exitform, fackulty, Hellfire theory, Holding on, Imbuenokudos, Kurikong combat, Libel case, Mass Defect, November never comes, mirza, observe silence, Odies Revenge, PAN, Oremus, Outrage, Piledriver, Progeny, redboy, Redlead65, scarred petal, scourge, Smegmah, Sea of rains, Sucketseven, the superflirts, Ubingan, vlem, concrete sam, Maryzark, Boy Elroy, metallica, megadeth, nine inch nails, breaking benjamin, trapt, taproot, mudvayne, slaves on dope, papa roach, deathcab for cutie, cypress hill, chicosci, NORA, insane clown posse, rancid, new found glory, boxcar racer, the transplants, mest, bad brains, korn, Rob Zombie, call me lightning, alesana, disturbed, misfits, murderdolls, coal chamber, devil driver, rivercity rebels, the madcapsule markets, stone sour, foo fighters, jimi hendrix, the sex pistols, the ramones, the dead kennedys, the clash, bayside, the f-ups, kittie, opeth, otep, dimmu borgir, drowning pool, lawrence arms, stretch arm strong, rikets, kottonmouth kings, adema, beck, bush, boy hits car, alexis on fire, no use for a name, special korea, razor back, machine head, fear factory, motograter, nirvana, sonic youth, pearl jam, barenaked ladies, screeching weasel, static lullaby, infinties end, home grown, the offsprings, mastadon, senses fail, 5678s, hatebreed, lamb of god, burn the priest, fear before the march of flames, mars volta, suicide silence, Elysia, Morbid Angel, Mortiis, cattle decapitation, damage plan, primus, bury your dead, funeral for a friend, the vines, the hives, rooney, finch, evanescence, staind, chevelle, dillinger escape plan, the black dahlia murder, meat grinder, a perfect circle, the white stripes, alien ant farm, gizmachi, soil work, rx bandits, relient k, voo doo glow skulls, 98 mute, starting line, what remains, goldfinger, bowling for soup, stabbing westward, prodigy, rammstein, all american rejects, as i lay dying, all shall perish, sugarcult, dying fetus, stereo mud, at the drive in, puddle of mudd, sepultera, soulfly, the exies, cypress hill, scars of life, cog, dominion, philippine violators, point click kill, resurrected, WUDS, cover me quick, chromatic expirement, brutal instinct, comatose, concrete sam, digital bonez of handz, eternia, grasspipe, inbleed, krematory, machinesledge, virgin cookies, veil of lyra, superjoint ritual,whathappened?, ubingan, monkeyspank, obsreve silence, awtbreak, almoranaz, arms of the few, crash ambulance, zebrahead, chronic future, son of dork, descant gott, embryo, dogfight, cryochamber, putriska!, a thousand reasons, all my friends are dead, bloodshedd, carrion, dullfigure, cronos, neotaku, my private hell, smegmah, the groovy floyds, and others.


Im really into the Horror genre and anything thats really gorey. but other flicks like Comedy and Action are cool to. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Napoleon Dynamite, Half Baked, American Pie 1 and 2, The Devils Rejects, Scarface, House of a 1,000 Corpses, Amittyville Horror, Clerks, Battle Royale, Nightmare on Elm street movie series, Hellraiser series, Almost Famous, Walk the Line, Forrest Gump, Edward Scissor Hand, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jay and Silent BOB Strikes Back,Cheech and Chong movies(fuck yeah the original masters of stonah flicks), Blairwitch 1and 2, Final Destination 1 and 2, and Van Wilder.


Metalocalypse!!!!Family Guy, The Simpsons, Robot Chicken, Barbwire Biscuit, clerks, South Park, Futurama, Gungrave, King Of The Hill, Duckman, beavis and butthead, Dilbert, and Undergrads.


Real Ghost Stories, Beyond Belief, and Catch 22, johnny the homicidal maniac directors cut book.


My HONEY!! My Honey is my only Hero. Take all my money....take all the drugs and the alcohol......take all my possesions...take it all away...Shes all i need in this Fuckt up world that i live in. I am so glad to be committed to her. Shes my main motivation in life right now and i wouldnt trade her for anything. Its amazing how she can be happy even in the worst of times....and how she turns my frown into a real Smile=)Nobody that i know can do that but her...she brightens the dark spaces in my life with just a simple smile from her.....bad days end when she comes along and gives me a kiss or a hug....She is number 1 to me, and my only 1 that i LOVE..."Azumi anata dakewo aishiteru. Kimi wa bokuno subeteda totemo ureshiiyo. Daremo kimino basho wo tore nai kimi wa bokuno hitoridakeno koi. Boku no kokorowa kimino mono. Itsumademo kimiwo aisuru. Thank you very much for coming into my life...TOTEMO AISHITERU!! MAHAL NA MAHAL KITA!!!=) img src="http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k308/ga_la_guh/119492 1763_l1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket -My HONEY!! My Honey is my only Hero. Take all my money....take all the drugs and the alcohol......take all my possesions...take it all away...Shes all i need in this Fuckt up world that i live in. I am so glad to be committed to her. Shes my main motivation in life right now and i wouldnt trade her for anything. Its amazing how she can be happy even in the worst of times....and how she turns my frown into a real Smile=)Nobody that i know can do that but her...she brightens the dark spaces in my life with just a simple smile from her.....bad days end when she comes along and gives me a kiss or a hug....She is number 1 to me, and my only 1 that i LOVE..."Azumi anata dakewo aishiteru. Kimi wa bokuno subeteda totemo ureshiiyo. Daremo kimino basho wo tore nai kimi wa bokuno hitoridakeno koi. Boku no kokorowa kimino mono. Itsumademo kimiwo aisuru. Thank you very much for coming into my life...TOTEMO AISHITERU!! MAHAL NA MAHAL KITA!!!=)

My Blog

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