LAURA profile picture


L'amore è fluttuare in un cielo blu scuro

About Me

Le charme : une manière de s'entendre répondre "oui" sans avoir posé aucune question claire..SAPRò ATTENDERE IL VENTO CHE PERCORRE IL MONDO PER PORTARMI LONTANO..LADDOVE GIACCIONO I MIEI SOGNI,I MIEI DESIDERI,LA MIA LIBERTà..DOVE IO POTRò ESSERE QUELLO CHE SONO.INDIVIDUO UNICO ED IRRIPETIBILE..DONNA..WRITE ME ON MESSENGER!!I think I am a very open minded girl..Anyone is welcome in my life.I love being original and I always try to make new experiences.After my graduation I would like to move and work at least 6 months in France. I will probably study two more years . I was thinking about "Foreign languages for the international communication".Now I am studying "Linguistic and cultural mediation", a mix of Languages, Economy, Law..It' s to become a mediator/interpreter.(je suis desolee mais je n'ai pas les accents ici..)Je m’appelle Laura et Je suis une jeune fille italienne de 20 ans. J’habite dans un petit village et j’etude langues depuis 7 ans. j’adore voyager et connaitre nouveaux pays..nouveaux amis . j’ai un reve: je voudrais faire la traductrice (interprete) avec le francais, l’italien et l’anglais.. En fait ,j’aimerais bien avoir une correspondance avec des francaises ..pour apprendre un peu mieux la langue. je suis creative,douce et optimiste,mais J’ai aussi un caractere forte . ma tete est toujours riche des projets , des idees...

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My Interests

"Il y a les trasgressions utiles qui font du bien au corps et a l'AME, celles qui font plaisir.." travelling,debating,reading,cooking,politics,photography,sno rkelling, running and exercising(sometimes) ,dancing ,art ,concerts,PARTYING

I'd like to meet:

"Laura è l'inquietudine amorosa,è il non poter disporre totalmente di sè"( Petrarca)L'AMORE è L'OCCASIONE UNICA PER MATURARE, PER PRENDERE FORMA,PER DIVENTARE IN SE STESI UN MONDO...


alternative rock


CINEFORUM's (every wednesday night if you want to come! ) La sposa cadavere(Tim Burton), Persepolis, Il cacciatore di aquiloni, Caramel,L'ultima alba,the Dreamers,Blow,Romanzo Criminale,Away from her


the Italian MTV!


anything, magazines in foreign languages(Newsweek, the French Glamour,the English Cosmopolitan)... " Mille splendidi soli "by Khaled Hosseini .Undici minuti,Veronika decide di morire,Jane Eyre,Noi i ragazzi dello zoo di Berlino,L'alchimista


my great grand ma ,my grandma, my mum, my aunt.. and my military friends.I think about them a lot.Chris, Brett,Nick, jerry,Pat, Kenny,..