Jewelry design (primarily glass beads/beadwork), Lampworking (I love playing with hot glass!),Backpacking/Hiking (my favorite trail to date is Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore),Gardening/Gathering (mainly multi-use herbs),Music Performance (dabbler),and myriad other things that keep me from writing a book or three, including magician’s assistant, full time Girl Scout Leader, novice Middle Eastern Dancer, and varying types and levels of hand arts such as crochet, embroidery, knotting, calligraphy, book binding, tatting, etc. . .and fairies. I absolutley love fairies!
I'm open. Friends are always good and I'm a social creature.
I listen to nearly everything -- Celtic (especially fast folk), Early Music (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque), Alternative, and Indie punk and jazz are usually my first choices. However, with a pre-teen generally in control of the radio, I listen mainly to Emo, Pop, and Alternative. My favorite band has to be The Town Pants!
Charmed. Anything else is by chance, and usually a documentary -- or The Red Green Show. *sigh* Now I am totally addicted to Grey's Anatomy.
Favorite? I could no sooner pluck a favorite star from the sky! I read a bit of everything.
Jordi Savall, Lady Godiva, Wonder Woman, Jessicca Rabbit, and my mom.