Writing, producing, recording, promoting and performing local music in the greater cleveland area
any body whose trying to spread good music and good vibes around Northeast Ohio
Hip-Hop, Punk, and pretty much anything that good,
bowling for columbine, farenheit 9/11, half-baked, halloween, LOTR, star wars, boobydelicious volume.20, requiem for a dream, Hell comes to frog town,
is ruining the minds of america
"1984" George Orwell, "It can't happen here" Sinclair Lewis, "Atlas Shrugged" Ayn Rand, "Lord of the Rings" Tolkien, "The Dark Tower" Stephen King, "Harry Potter" Rowling, the writings of Dean Koontz,
Slug, Sage, Brother Ali, Eyedea, maynard james keenan, jim morisson, my dad, and whoever get bush out of office before 2008