new crazy wear now@up against the wall/sport zone profile picture

new crazy wear now@up against the wall/sport zone

crazy wear it's not just a clothing line. it's you, your hood, your city, your county. IT's ALL SWAG

About Me


Crazy Wear is exactly what the name states! It's CRAZY! Rooting out of the MD/DC area, this brand has been established since 1999. It began in 2000 as a local brand in the starting stages of simple hand painted designs on tee's, jeans, kicks, bags, etc done by the creators & brotheres Mikey & Marcus.
Crazy Wear stands strong seven years later and has spread its wings across Maryland, Washington D.C., New York, Virginia, California, and recently to Japan and Austrailia. With plans to go further. This brand sponsors a skate team, is involved in various street wear fashion shows, hosts numerous parties in the DC area, sponsors local bands, school groups, etc.
With open minds, crazy colors, and new ideas, crazy wear has plans to keep the world FRESH!

Crazy Wear from oktung and Vimeo . "STACK BUNDLES ROCKING LIME GREEN CRAZY WEAR"

My Interests

real talk swagger tv
real talk from Crazy Wear on Vimeo .

I'd like to meet:

swagger tv episode1 from Crazy Wear on Vimeo .swagger TV
Central Boardshop from Damien , Drakess on Vimeo .swagger tv 2-3
episode 2 from Crazy Wear on Vimeo .swagger tv 3-4
Episode 3/The Queen of PG from Crazy Wear on Vimeo .swagger tv the wire
SWAGGER TV...WOSSIE FROM THE WIRE from mikey on Vimeo .swagger tv 5 xib
XIB from Crazy Wear on Vimeo .


Short Video Of Girl Model Taylor Hope- Kicks And Chicks! - video powered by Metacafe




all the d boys of the world..