I am happy of who I am, of how hard I have worked to get here, and I look forward to the uncertain. I am by no means arrogant or self absorbed. My life has been a struggle and I am sure that I will face many more as I slowly (so slowly… grow closer to my late late thirties)Here are some of my upfront expectations or likes, so to speak in a man, which are in no certain order.
Honesty, integrity, employed and making at least equivalent to my income (as I refused to support a man), drug free, no criminal history such as time served in prison, a man can’t wear more make-up than I or take longer to get ready, I loathe negativity, you need to support your children, spend time with them and correct their asses when they are being bad, no long term depression, I can’t handle spoiled men who use women to support their drug habits, who want to mooch money, or expect to move in with me because I have a plenty of room in my place, I enjoy daily conversations but it is not necessary to start my day off right, don’t continue to call and blow up my phone if I don’t call you back, I don’t cheat and I won’t tolerate a man who does, I love a man who likes his space as I need mine, don’t be so addicted to your X-Box that sex is no longer a priority, I need a clean, well groomed man, someone with nice clothes, not expensive just nice, someone with all of his teeth, I love the pearly whites, have a car and don’t expect me to drive your ass everywhere, have car insurance because it’s the dang law, pay your bills on time and maintain good credit, if you can’t afford it put the shit back, don’t think for one second that I belong in the kitchen cooking and cleaning, don’t speak to me in a degrading manner, respect that my daughter is the love of my life and if you can’t spend time with us both then set sail, don’t expect that I will allow you to meet my daughter early in the relationship, because it may take me a while as I feel trust is earned then/and rewarded. Don’t feel that my honesty and bluntness is anyway a form of abuse and speaking of abuse DONâ€T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!! Accept constructive criticism and advice or don’t ask me for it.K, that was a mouthful! If you took the time to read all of that, then thanks!If I did not scare you off and you still qualify, I would love to talk to you.My mottos are: Boys cheat!" "BOYS" being the key word here. A MAN, a honest man would not ever think of cheating on the one he loves!
Integrity, men love to praise it but are slow to practice it.
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