Matt profile picture


Buying ear protectors for 3 kids, $55; tickets to NASCAR for 4, $450; building a memory that will la

About Me

I am the father of three beautiful children, two of which live with me and one who lives in Arizona. They are the light of my life and the things I do in life I do for them. I believe in true love but it has eluded me for a long time now. I tasted it once and it changed my life. Everything else since then has just not been the same...

Phoenix NASCAR in April...what an incredible trip!

For whatever reason I find myself attracted to people who are just a little 'off' center, maybe a little wild at heart... I have been 'around-the-block' in my life but I still believe (after all the places I've been) that there is a second chance for a first love...I don't know but I do know there is an faith gives me the eyes to see it and believe it. This year, 2007, is the Year of Excellence. I hope your year is an excellent one too :)

Myspace Layouts by

My Interests

I love to run, bike, workout, listen to great music. I actually play guitar and love writing songs for myself, my kids and a few unfortunate friends :). I love adventure and spend as much time as I can outside, in the sun, at the beach, active and doing things. I travel for a living but still love climbing on a plane and heading somewhere for fun,...Vegas, Phoenix, NYC (a favorite).

I'd like to meet:

My Mother, the real star here.

Myspace Layouts Ms. Hepburn

Myspace Layouts
Ms. Monroe
Mother Theresa

Alexander the Great

Solomon, Winston Churchill, The woman who put her two mites in, Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, Elvis

Quotes to Live Life By:
"There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it."
- Napoleon Hill

"Character is not formed in the hail of adoration but forged in the hell of adversity"
- Annonymous

Two of my beautiful 5 years...
- Get Your Own


To true love :).... Music Video: IRIS (LIVE) (HIGH BANDWIDTH) (by Goo Goo Dolls)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


I love to travel and have been to some amazing places. I will post more but here are just a few pics from Cambridge, England...what a great day this was...

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I've had the good fortune of living and working in many different places. Europe was amazing but NYC is still my favorite place. The bad events aside, 2001 was a great year :)

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Skiing is another favorite past time...I go every year but this was one of my favorite...Vail 2003

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I have many interests though as of late I have been reading books that mostly deal with the impacts of globalization. "The World is Flat", "A Case for Goliath", "Lexus and the Olive Tree" are three of my favorites. The world is a dynamic and changing place, if you think you know what it is, just wait an hour and something will radically will be completely different.

In my time abroad I have been humbled by the generosity of many and the human experience I have personally witnessed. This is a great place and time to be alive! As for fiction it has to be intriguing and factual,...Dan Brown (don't laugh), Tom Clancy, Michael Crighton...anything interesting and good :)


My Grandfather, mother and family. My children whom I love and adore. The countless people who, for good or bad, have impacted me, ultimately for good.