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I Know What I'm Here For!

About Me

Salutations Myspace! Just to slightly introduce myself, first and foremost in my life, I am SAVED (baptized in Jesus' Name and Blessed with the gift of the Holy Ghost-Acts 2:38) and 4th generation Apostolic Pentecostal(PAW born and raised). I was saved in my early teens. I received the gift of the Holy Ghost in my bedroom one Sunday evening while listening to John P. Kee, "Jesus will welcome me Home". Ever since that day, I want the world to know "if anyone should ever write my life story for whatever reason there might be, HE will be there between each line of pain and glory because Jesus is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me!!! (make no mistake about it, I love Jon but I'm talking about Jesus!) I am so grateful to know such a wonderful man for myself. My personal friend!After that, I am proud and delighted to be a mommy of two, Jon David and Jessica Hannah. (Yes I named her after me, if he could do it, so could I!) Can't wait to have some more little people to add to the family. And last, but not least, the reason I have the two little angels, I am honored to be married to "the tall guy-6'9" Jonathan. He's the coolest dude eva! So glad I said YES!
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My Interests

Church, Gospel Music, Concerts, Plays, Traveling with fam, teaching, working with children, food testing, shopping (any way, shape, or form), good preaching, scrapbooking, interior decorating, playing and watching sports, and planning and hosting functions, and entertaining guests.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus in Peace.


All types of Gospel. Gospel music whose lyrics feed the soul, especially Praise and Worship Music. Favorite Artists Include: Fred Hammond, Daryl Coley, Stephen Hurd, John Kee, Jonathan Nelson, Martha Munizzi, Tye Tribbett, James Hall, The Winans, Ricky Dillard, and Donald Lawrence, J.Moss, Michael W. Smith, Phillips Craig and Dean, and Chris Tomlin. I love music birthed through experience.

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I love movies that can make me laugh and cry all at the same time! Some current favorites: "Music From Another Room", "27 Dresses", "Rumor Has It", "P.S. I Love You", "Pretty Woman", "The Wedding Planner","50 First Dates", "Veggie Tales", and "Something's Gotta Give". I like Jack Nicholson's and Julia Robert's work.


I love classic sitcoms like "The Cosby Show", "Seinfield", "Everybody Loves Raymond", "Boy Meets World", "Golden Girls" and "Amen". Right now my favorite show is "Moment of Truth". It keeps me in the floor!


I like books, I just don't care for reading. If you understand that???


Jesus, He's the only hero worth mentioning!

My Blog

Shakin Myself

Hey All, I choose to do it again this way, which is to send big THANK YOU to all of you who sent comments, cards, shot outs, and prayers during this past month in the loss of my grandmother. It's not ...
Posted by Simplicity on Sun, 25 May 2008 08:54:00 PST

STOP Being Mean!!!

I just have to VENT!!! Stop being mean, and then lying saying you're saved. Stop being mean, talking about you love God and act NOTHING like him. You are of your father the devil, your rotten fruit a...
Posted by Simplicity on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 03:05:00 PST

YOUR SPACE---Don't Let Him In!

Don't Let The Devil Invade YOUR SPACE!!! This was inspired by a message preached by Elder Rusty Hannah. The space between you and God is called relationship. If the space is wide, the relationship is...
Posted by Simplicity on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:34:00 PST