Demoralizing students, braving cold winters, being around for nice summers that all the students miss experiencing, being a top 50 research university, Biotechnology and IT apparently, Drinking, Fraternity parties... HOCKEY! Beating Clarkson!
Other fine technological institutions I can look up to (i.e. MIT), Ivy League schools which charge over 35k in tuition, research grants, elusive Russell Sage students, WOMEN!! Other schools in the area... Union, Skidmore, Siena, U Albany...Alumni, students, faculty and other people affiliated with me!
Rensselyrics, The Rusty Pipes , Electronic Music, other music of all kinds.
Hackers, The Matrix trilogy, Lord of the Rings, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Adult Swim, Junkyard Wars, American Chopper, The Discovery and History Channels, TechTV
Resnick and Halliday: Physics, Mechanics of Materials, Snowcrash, The Da Vinci Code
George Ferris, Philo Farnsworth, Washington Roebling, Amos Eaton, George Low... many illustrous alumni