My interests include reading, writting, writting fanfiction, drawing, beading, manga, anime, Japanese in general, animals, my BF, friends, and getting ready for the baby. ^-^
Gackt. *nodnodnod* most definately Gackt-sama. And Misty (Mercedes Lacky)...and other people who'll just take me for who I am and not flip out over any of it.
*shrugs* as those who know me can tell you, I'll listen to just about anything. My preferances are Classical (preferably Beethoven), Queen, Pink Floyd, the Eagles, the Beetles, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (hey, I'm realted to one of thier members by marriage!), Elton John, Neil Daimond, Cher, Celene Dion, Hanson (don't give me that look! They're good. And cute. ;p), very nearly anything Japanese, including, Gackt, Malice Mizer, V6, and anything anime based. Love anime sound tracks. *shrugs* I'm odd. Don't act like you're just learning this. ^-^
Far tooooooo many to list. I like a lot of chick flicks, actions, comedies, horrors, actions... and of course, anime movies. And kiddie films. (so I'm a Disney adict, what do you care?)
Right now? Law and Order (all series), Crossing Jordan, House, anything anime I can find, The Tribe, and I'll admit it now...*sigh* I've become an adict of 24, ummm...I know there's more...there USED to be more...AH well. This is enough, I'm sure. ^-^
Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my major intersts, with Horror and Romance on the side. ^-^ I like a lot of authors, though my fav. to this day is Misty (Mercedes Lacky). Unless you really care for an UBBER long list here, I think I'll leave it at that. *ish an avid bookworm* ^-^
Actually, I have several. *grins* Corny, I know, but true. Some are, or were, real people, others are fictional characters. Either way, they all inspire me to become better, and be more than I am. That's what counts, ne? ^-^