Great Praise and Worship music that will bring a tear to your eye,the feeling I get when I hear a wonderful message at church,photography,hunting,nascar,guns,shopping,baking,decor
ating,music,shoes,jewelry,guys with arm tattoos,motorcycles,college football,spiky hair,the smell of a good cologne,puppies,baby feet,goatees,muscles,swinging in the park,texas hold em',Daisies,brownies,a good hug,buckle jeans.
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Harry Connick,Jr.,Kayse Kahne,Dale Jr.,ThelateReggieWhite
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I love old country and texas country. I will listen to pretty much anything except classical and heavy metal. Other than that I like it all.
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Heroes,Studio 60,Grey's Anatomy,Brothers and Sisters,Big and Rob,ESPN,HGTV, Nascar races...
A Million Little Pieces, My Friend Leonard, anything by Nicholas Sparks, The Last Van Gogh
My parents,Uncle Dave,Pappy,Granddad Taylor,Granny,Ted Whitmire,Kristi Cary