Dirty Rockstar profile picture

Dirty Rockstar

Each time I make my mother cry an angel dies and falls from heaven.. Prick your finger it is done th

About Me

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...::About Me::...
Full Name:: If you know me well then you know my full name
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'4"
Shoe Size:: i don't shop at the kids Footlocker
Ring Size:: don't know
Heritage:: My mom is balck and my daddy is blacker
Graduating Year:: none of your bizz
Birthdate:: sept. 20
Zodiac Sign:: Virgo
Concert:: LIVE 8
Best Friend:: Shari Clark, Trista Runtaz, Brynne-Eva,
Crush:: Steve (my sexy white boy)
Pet:: a chick
Sport:: Basketball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived:: Hell no
Bungee Jumped:: again hell no
Gone out of the Country:: I want to..
Beaten Someone Up:: yeah... and a ready to beat someone else up for talking $h!t..
Gotten Beat Up:: not since i was little...
Killed an Animal:: No that's sick
Swam in the Ocean:: yeah... but never again
Broke the Law:: yes
Smoked:: yes
Chewed Tobacco:: no
Drank:: yes.. I get toasted
Been Kissed:: yes alot
Been In Love:: yes... but never again
Dumped Someone:: yes
Been Dumped:: yes.... but i look good so i got re-up men
Broken Someone's heart:: yeah have you seen what i looked like.... plus well, u don't want to know
Had Your Heart Broken:: yeah... once.... and never again
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back:: no
Broken A Bone:: no
Had Surgery:: yes... 7
Had an X-ray or MRI:: both
Failed a Class:: yes
Color:: blue and brown... not togther
Food:: bacon
Drink:: sunkist
Snack:: browines
Cereal:: life
Ice Cream:: chunky monkey
Candy:: peanut butter cups
Restaurant:: friday's
Fast Food Place:: don't eat the stuff anymore
Store:: aeropostale
Animal:: none
Quote:: "do something"
Sport To Play:: basketball
Sport To Watch:: football
Movie: The neverending story, The Notebook and E.T.
TV Show:: The faminy guy
Type Of Music:: Rap
Band:: None of ya bizz..
Singer:: Robin Thicke
Song:: Lost Without You
Pepsi or Coke:: none
Vanilla or Chocolate:: vanilla
Cake or Ice Cream:: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King:: none
Love or Money:: LOVE... ALL DAY
Music or TV:: TV
Cat or Dog:: none
Mom or Dad:: none
Truck or Car:: none.. i hate riding in cars....
Ocean or Lake:: lake
Yahoo or Hotmail:: hotmail
Google or AJ:: google
Light or Dark:: light
Country or City:: country
Rain or Sunshine:: rain
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice:: smile
Personality or Looks:: personality
Hair Color:: it doesn't matter....
Eye Color:: it doesn't matter....
Short or Tall:: it doesn't matter....
Romanic or Spontaneous:: Spontaneous
Sense of Humor or Sweet:: sweet
Hook up or Relationship:: Relationship
Feeling:: Down
Listening To:: Lost without you
Wanna:: go somewhere far
Doing Besides Typing:: watching videos
Thinking About:: Someone I have in my heart
Wearing:: sweatpants and a beater
In Love:: Yes... and will always be in love with this person
Single:: YES
Best Friends:: Shari, trista, brynne,raynell
...::The Future::...
Career:: Yes.... computer eng.
Marriage:: yes... to who i have no idea
Kids:: yes...
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more shit

IDon'tTalkShit'BoutBitchesLikeBitchesTalk ShitBout me(reply) don't read this shit and take it to heart... cause it is about some people.. but does not apply to all.... so if you think this is about yo...
Posted by Dirty Rockstar on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:48:00 PST

I Don't Talk Shit 'Bout Bitches Like Bitches Talk ShitBoutMe

I Can't Stand...1)When Bitches ask other people who you talkin' to just to see if they can suck the boi's dick....2)When Bitches is fuckin' with one dude and decide out of the blue that they want to f...
Posted by Dirty Rockstar on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:50:00 PST

some shit courtney had... I was bored so i did it... i think it's kind of funny

----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: E.L.M.O. Date: Feb 4, 2006 8:17 PM courtney I did the stupid quiz whatever it is .... 1) Who is the last person you high-fived? some...
Posted by Dirty Rockstar on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 08:14:00 PST