...::About Me::...
Full Name:: If you know me well then you know my full name
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'4"
Shoe Size:: i don't shop at the kids Footlocker
Ring Size:: don't know
Heritage:: My mom is balck and my daddy is blacker
Graduating Year:: none of your bizz
Birthdate:: sept. 20
Zodiac Sign:: Virgo
Concert:: LIVE 8
Best Friend:: Shari Clark, Trista Runtaz, Brynne-Eva,
Crush:: Steve (my sexy white boy)
Pet:: a chick
Sport:: Basketball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived:: Hell no
Bungee Jumped:: again hell no
Gone out of the Country:: I want to..
Beaten Someone Up:: yeah... and a ready to beat someone else up for talking $h!t..
Gotten Beat Up:: not since i was little...
Killed an Animal:: No that's sick
Swam in the Ocean:: yeah... but never again
Broke the Law:: yes
Smoked:: yes
Chewed Tobacco:: no
Drank:: yes.. I get toasted
Been Kissed:: yes alot
Been In Love:: yes... but never again
Dumped Someone:: yes
Been Dumped:: yes.... but i look good so i got re-up men
Broken Someone's heart:: yeah have you seen what i looked like.... plus well, u don't want to know
Had Your Heart Broken:: yeah... once.... and never again
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back:: no
Broken A Bone:: no
Had Surgery:: yes... 7
Had an X-ray or MRI:: both
Failed a Class:: yes
Color:: blue and brown... not togther
Food:: bacon
Drink:: sunkist
Snack:: browines
Cereal:: life
Ice Cream:: chunky monkey
Candy:: peanut butter cups
Restaurant:: friday's
Fast Food Place:: don't eat the stuff anymore
Store:: aeropostale
Animal:: none
Quote:: "do something"
Sport To Play:: basketball
Sport To Watch:: football
Movie: The neverending story, The Notebook and E.T.
TV Show:: The faminy guy
Type Of Music:: Rap
Band:: None of ya bizz..
Singer:: Robin Thicke
Song:: Lost Without You
Pepsi or Coke:: none
Vanilla or Chocolate:: vanilla
Cake or Ice Cream:: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King:: none
Love or Money:: LOVE... ALL DAY
Music or TV:: TV
Cat or Dog:: none
Mom or Dad:: none
Truck or Car:: none.. i hate riding in cars....
Ocean or Lake:: lake
Yahoo or Hotmail:: hotmail
Google or AJ:: google
Light or Dark:: light
Country or City:: country
Rain or Sunshine:: rain
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice:: smile
Personality or Looks:: personality
Hair Color:: it doesn't matter....
Eye Color:: it doesn't matter....
Short or Tall:: it doesn't matter....
Romanic or Spontaneous:: Spontaneous
Sense of Humor or Sweet:: sweet
Hook up or Relationship:: Relationship
Feeling:: Down
Listening To:: Lost without you
Wanna:: go somewhere far
Doing Besides Typing:: watching videos
Thinking About:: Someone I have in my heart
Wearing:: sweatpants and a beater
In Love:: Yes... and will always be in love with this person
Single:: YES
Best Friends:: Shari, trista, brynne,raynell
...::The Future::...
Career:: Yes.... computer eng.
Marriage:: yes... to who i have no idea
Kids:: yes...
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