Being an ej0, and yet at the same time trying not to be ej0. If you know whats up, its not a conundrum.
My sanity. I'd like to meet God. Oh yeah... I'd like to meet that "someone." WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?
And you, too. ...But you gotta be awesome, and by awesome I mean "not lame."
I want to meet other ej0s, as long as they are not ej0.
Depends on my mood. Basically if I can "feel" it, I probably would like it.
Batman Begins, Ong-Bak, The Legend of Drunken Master, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Rocky IV, Half Baked, The Matrix, Shaolin Wooden Monks, other shit i cant remember...
I don't watch much of it.
101 series: 101 Wacky Jokes, 101 Bug Jokes, 101 Silly Summertime Jokes, 101 Funny Bunny Jokes, 101 Hopelessly Hilarious Jokes, 101 Wacky Sports Jokes, 101 Super Sports Jokes, 101 Wacky Kid Jokes, 101 Creepy Creature Jokes, 101 Back-to-School Jokes, 101 Holiday Jokes, 101 Pet Jokes, 101 Valentine Jokes, 101 School Jokes, 101 Wacky Camping Jokes, 101 Fast Food Funny Jokes, 101 Dinosaur Jokes, 101 Outer Space Jokes, 101 Ghost Jokes, 101 Rock n Roll Jokes, 101 Wacky State Jokes, 101 President Jokes
My Parents, GOD, anyone in the military, Martin Luther King Jr., those who inspire and motivate, "Good Samaritans," Captain Obvious, Peter Griffin, Strong Bad, Stinkoman 20X6, Spacecataz, Man-in-Mirror Man, Maddox.