dancing, travelling, meeting up with friends, theatre, reading, new challenges (at the moment i am learning Greek), and taking a few risks every now and then is always a thrill.
i have just met someone i had wanted to meet, actually - derren brown - he was a very freindly chap :-). i would have loved to have met my grandfather on my mum's side - apparantly he was awesome. there's not really anyone else i would add really, just generally nice people - cant beat that.
a very varied taste, there is so much out there right now, i couldnt choose one genre.
Top Gun - always top of my list, no matter how cheesy or the fact that i can recite it line-for-line! thats the only one icould put on this list, as i watch so many others, but that one is 'special'.........
never get time to watch tv, so dont really bother.
at the moment, its just my Greek Learning books, when i get the time.
will always be my mum and my dad, seperately. my sister has to be fitted in here, too - she manages to be as kick ass as me, and still go to a top class school like Oxford - i take my hat off to you, Miss Ridge!