Kev May (aka: K-Swiss) profile picture

Kev May (aka: K-Swiss)

I am here for Friends

About Me

~Visit the new Eden website at

I'm a heart breaker...women fall for me like the birds in Northern California;-) I'm an author and an advocate.. i like to play.. really hard. I live in two worlds... If you think that you see me, it is me. Come talk to me. I love life and most can tell... I lived in a beach village on the coast of Portugal - I lived in a flat... I lived in the Short North - I lived in a loft. Now, 'I live in a van down by the river'... come drink wine with me. come dance with me... come experience life with me.

I travel.. everywhere.
I pray.. everyday.

I smile. I live. I love. ALOT..

quix·ot·ic /kwik-sot-ik/ - adjective
1. resembling or befitting Don Quixote.
2. extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary and impractical.
3. impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.

My Interests

life.passion.. personalities. old video games.bring on the packman. Spirituality! God!!!Visulization.Communication between souls. Cultures. Real people. Real opnions. Color.... vibrant people who have something to say. Things that inspire me... Creation. photographs. paintings.. metal.. wood. .glass.. nature. and what really matters in life...

The Spy Who Loves You

I'd like to meet:

people who have an opinion..(please don't be afraid - too many already are)....people who like to play and don't let bedtime get in the way.


alternative - old and new.. chill.. neosoul.. hiphop.. techno.. 60s rock / 80s pop... dance.. latin.. folk... world.


foreign. girl (chick flick) movies.. intellectual humor flicks. action / adventure (to express my male persona)


is for the display of visual art and movies.. and The ohio state buckeyes.


to inspire my thoughts, i read cs lewis and jung - to insprire my soul, i read the bible...



My Blog

First Review of Eden

Letter sent to NY Times, Wash Post, and NBC TodayShow! April 25, 2008 I am forwarding this pre-release copy of a novel I believe holds great significance in light of our world's current soci...
Posted by Kev May (aka: K-Swiss) on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 12:28:00 PST

Eden - The Prologue

Just keep driving.Those words have provoked me since awarded my ticket to autonomy at the age of sixteen, an Ohio driver's license. That entitlement was my escape, the vessel destined to lift me from...
Posted by Kev May (aka: K-Swiss) on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:46:00 PST