First of all, my interests involve living my life without being fucked with. Other than that, getting paid on Friday after working my ass off all week, creating works of art either on my computer , on paper, or in my small wood shop. I enjoy refinishing old wood furniture and restoring someone old junk. And having great sex. I'm a "sadist" who loves kinky, nasty, and unbrideled sex, I also like making tender love to a woman and letting her know how truly special she is. I prefer women who are older or near the same age as myself. Women who are older than me is, I think, a real turn on.
I would like to meet other people with simaler intrests or that just want someone to be friends with
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
Rock, country, Alternitive
Action, Drama, and Fantacy
Drama, sitcom's, movies
Wile Cyote. Why "Wile Cyote"? Well, because I have never known anyone with so much determination then that damn cyote. He never gives up, he wants that damn "Roadrunner" so bad that he is willing to go to any leangths to get the prize and no matter how offten he fails he continues to keep trying. Who else do you know with kind of determination??