About Me
The rocket is th MX-311 Water Bullet, it is a test craft for new types of safety capsules built into rockets, smaller vertions could be used for satellite data retrieval systems, New space delivery systems could be divised by reversing mechanical displacement systems used in my craft to then launch from a special cannon, special warriers or terminators could be dropped into combat zones, and explosives could be dropped without leaving a heat signature to be tracked as it decends to target. All of these things could be perfected with the knowledge gained in the testing of this craft. I invented and hand built this craft,it is made for one passenger to fly inside after being dropped from an aircraft to smash land into water at incredible speeds. The craft uses 8 mini cannons apon impact to break the water surface tention, then an air injection system blows a tunnel into the water for the craft to travel through down to a controlled depth. The nose is seperated by commpression springs to absorb the massive kinetic impact energy. The airtight saftey capsule I ride in has oxygen and electronics and can be steered or flown into a pinpoint position from any altitude. I plan on testing it in Arrowrock reservoir this spring, it should set a new world record in it's own catagory. It will be a historic event for it is the first craft of its type to ever be publically known to exist. I have always been a adventurer and scientist at heart from childhood I was extremely curious as to why there were missing technologies that I felt should exist in our reality. I entered science fairs for many years with my exhibits. Science is nothing more than the systematic experimentation and analysis to formulate general principles and techniques that lead to having skills in any particular field. I have worked in one or another field of residential, commercial, or industrial construction for over 20 years. Being unable to go to college, labor is mainly only availabe. The elder workers would not always share their secrets and work techniques with a younger workers as for that was considered job security. This infuriated me and worse yet there were no advancement opportunities available because the best jobs were always given out to their buddies even if one could out perform them. Having these bad experiances made me feel seperated, no incentive or loyalty to cruels systems like this. I felt it was bad for me to join any one company for to long a period or I would lose my personality and become enslaved. I set out to learn everything I could to become a master craftsman, I wanted to fully understanding how to make anything out of anything. I have worked at dozens of different jobs because I would research, analize, and then memorize how to do the job just before I applied for the position. I would work at that job until I had mastered the materials and techniques to which others would consider that I was skilled at that job. Then I would pick another field to research so I could quit to learn another skill. It always worked for me. I quickly realized the need for new product development in all the fields I worked and after a friend of mine died in an accident from a fall I started product development to help save others. I also started to understand why the products were missing. I realized that because the system works in such a manner it systematically keeps new ideas buried from reality by the fact the entire world has almost literally been turned into slaves. There is a huge missing link in our world for simple reasons concerning the lack of protective equipment for the people who build and protect our planet. The corporations and government run the show and they bet on themselves and things they trust. The presidents, CEOs, and such being in a positions of power having the money do have this equipment manufactured for their workers would never cross their mind, because most of the time they have never had to work the very jobs they over see. In their minds they are the one in power and most have attitudes to protect their jobs in which they know what is going on, and are in control. The workers will not go to the boss and tell them they need better equipment, because after all they know there is nothing they can do. This is the interesting part, most of the manufactures actually have attitudes and guilty consciences from the way they do business. For you see they cannot afford to hire workers from all the existing trades such as carpenters, framers, sheetrockers, electricians, painters, finishers, loggers, linemen, roadmen, railmen, search & rescue, firemen, security, military, and police, just to list a few. The workers do not have the extra time, money, and ambition to buy commercial sewing equipment, materials, and to then learn to sew. I decided a long time ago that I was going to fill this missing link with products that could increase workers performance and increase personal safety at the same time. The people of the world deserve more for their efforts, the technology available today could prevent millions of injuries and save hundreds of thousands of workers lives every year if we could get these new products to market. I am using the water bullet for publicity stunts for attention to my quest. It is a amazing project that has many future possibilities with the technology. I invented,developed, designed, tested, and hand built the craft myself, there is no other like it in the world, and no one has ever attemped to do what I am doing. I hope this project will bring attention to my development skills in such a way that I can get my products manufatured and build a research & development center to continue to make things unlike anything the wold has ever seen. With the development of mass media I believe I can make a difference. I stand for freedom and for safety, since I am limited to fighting freedom, I will fight for safety for all of us the ones who really get things done, the workers. How Maximus WillHammer came to be is as complicated and intense as what I have become on my crusade to protect and enhance the world! It is hard to know where to start and end, so I will ramble for a while. The greatest man I ever knew was also the only man I ever called father. He was a very intense and strong man, more specifically a human horse which could bench press 550 pounds. He was a War Hero for the Marines "Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols" or "LURP TEAMS", when Vietnam was declared a war he recieved a "National Conngressional Medal of Honor" for his participation in the war. These men were nick named "Death Squads" because they were usually organized in 5 man groups, and were dropped into situations with no other ground support. Similar to the movie 'Predator'with arnold Schwarzenegger. He was on 3 bloody missions in which he was the only one that survived. He found his best friends severed head mounted on a fence post with his private part hanging out of his mouth. One can only imagine what they would do in such a situation, but I can tell you what he did. From the seven photo albums of color 35mm photos I discoverd at age 5 while being nosey, he killed, and killed, and killed some more. He and his friend had actually joined together in their home town on the 'buddy program'. After he left the war, he was like the father in 'Ledgends of the Fall' and was not happy with the government. He went to work as a butcher at 'Golden Valley Packers', and soon became one of the lead forman. Interestingly enough it was the exact slaughter house Clint Eastwood had a fist fight in the movie 'Every Which Way But Loose'. Fighting among the men was an everyday thing, as long as you did not hurt the other man in a way where he could not perform his work. His boss kept a huge rattlesnake head, and tarantula in glass paperweights on his desk. One satarday we were going to go fishing. The factory could not write the friday payroll checks on friday, so we had to get it satarday morning. When he and I arrived to his work, the 10' tall gate with razer tape on top was closed securing the complex with a fence of equal size. The armed guard would not open the gate due to a mob of about 25 disgruntled mexicans with picket signs. These people looked freaked out and pissed off, I was terribly scared, dad parked the truck in the driveway turned to me and said,{No matter what happens, do not get out of this truck, or unlock the door. With that he said lock the doors when I get out son}, I complied, he watched, then walked right into the center of the mob. Instantly men started throwing down signs turned started yelling at him, then they came at him swinging. He was one of the forman and they were blaming him for some problem they were having. What I seen next made me a believer in the power that one man can posess. As every man came swinging, he struck them only once. It was like watching a baseball player striking with the accuracy of a snake pounding them literly airborn unconscience with one powerfull blow. He would hit them in such a manner that he could deliver their bodys to the ground like a dealer in a card game.. He then picked the up like sacks of potatoes and stacked about 10 or 12 of them on top of each other on the side of the driveway as their amigos ran frantically away. From the complete look of utter shock on the guards face I do not think he had ever seen anything like this either. Every few years some government agent or agents would come buy to recruit him for some mission somewhere, He was asked to be one of a personal bodyguards for several Presidents of the United States. Both my mother and father had problems that let to their divorce when I was 10. In my eleventh year, I was thrown into an inferno of pain and misery by being repeatively beaten and tortured for around five years by a new stepfather before I became a runaway at barely 16. I had lived in constant fear for 5 years, I never told my father for fear if he only knew what my stepfather was doing he would possibly kill him, and my mom liked him and could not believe he was a wolf in sheeps clothing so to speak or shall we say a dang good actor. To this day she does not know the full extent of what was going on I never botherd to tell her so she would not have to carry it. He treated her kindly most all the time and I was a project for his split personality as for when he was in that mode he was a different man entirely. The only time I ever told on him he dislocated 4 of my fingers by bending them back out of socket to touch the top of my wrist, this is a painfully freaky thing to see trust me. I was then lifted by my throat and choked against a wall until unconscience, I thought I was dead. I was revived by being repeatively kicked in stomach so hard that I was lifted off the ground with every kick. Some of my daily highlights among his favorits were to kick, slap, hit, punch, burn, and his favorite to scare me. He especially liked to make me eat dirt, dogfood, and ciggerette ashes, he killed my dog and shot my pregnet pet cat, her last steps were to come to try to find me, I found her babies hanging on a barbed wire fence and in a trail along her final way from being gut shot. I had so many bruises on my body that I would hide from everyone when changing in P.E in school, the only kid that seen me in underwear got freaked out. I thought if they found out they would put me in a home, or break up the family. This man was stern but nice to everyone else in the family, he would drink hard alcohol then seek me out and rarely bothered anyone else. The reason why I spend a little time telling you these horrible things is because I believed he became literly possessed by another spirit, for real. This guy became pure evil, if you fought back he became completely voilent and appeared insane, not the same person. It is quite a thing when you discover that monsters are real, and they have the power to over take mens minds. My Hyper sensativity aided my desire to over come my fears. My new hatred of cruel beings inspired me to search them out and examine them in their natural habitat, I say habitat, because I do consider many people to be animals. I had been a Cubscout, a Boyscout, and was almost an Eaglescout before we moved to the big city of over 4 million people. Most all scout leaders where ex military, I had been trained in every manner of survival unbelievably young. Tracking animals had been a specialty back home in Idaho where I had lived on a million acre ranch when I was 13 and 14. In the summer I would only come home only to give the apearance of being there by performing my house chores. I would usually sleep by the creek, in the forrest trees in a jungle hammack, or a small cave like room I dug near home. I felt safer there away from my stepfather, many times I lived on trout and small game that I gathered so I would not have to go back there. The first time I was robbed, I was living in my truck in the city as a runaway at 16, I was not afraid of anyone anymore and although it had concerned me very bad at first I decided to overtake him. I was so very tired of being afraid of bullies, I decided that I was going to turn the tables on things so to speak. This was also when I first realized there are many locations in our country in which just being there in itself would usually always guarantee personal asssualts on a daily basis with the intent to kill you. This knowledge is what truely lead to my responce in my line of urban survival, combat, and assault equipment. When you live in your vehicle in the city you learn very quickly that it is very dangerous business. In the nice neighbor hoods people would be suspicious of new vehicles and quite often call police if you tried to sleep there. The police think your drunk and work you over, this can be quite a scary experiance. In commercial, and industrial sections you are a total target after 10:00 for the police and private security. The only place you can stay is truck stops, and the worst places in city. Places were police would only go if there were complaints filed by citizens who would rarely ever even consider such a thing due to the consequences, these were the most dangerous places in the massive city. For a time these places became my home when I was not working one of my two jobs. In this city it was against the law to rent apartments to children under 18. It took me almost 2 months working 80 hours a week to come up with enough money to straight up bribe an employee that worked at an apartment complex to let me move in. I had come from a very poor family the 2,600.00 dollars it cost to move into my 600.00 a month apartment was the most money I had ever seen. Self defense and military laws vary from state to state and country to country, in most cases you can protect yourself but not kill the assailants without high risk of prison. For this a large variety of smart bullets, and hand to hand combat can be used to incapacitate attackers without killing them. I had been trained in boxing, wrestling, improvised weapons, gun fighting, advanced rifle target, and 8 months later I started a form of laosian tiger style. At that time I had just seen an extremely violent person over come in a near death experience change his wild and violent nature, to then exist in society without hurting others, well at least he got a job at mcdonalds and did not appear to rob people anymore. I discovered this after shooting this man three times point plank with rubber bullets when he pulled a knife on me and demanded my wallet or he was going to gut me he said. I was scared and did not know how well the rubber bullets would work, I think they worked rather well. Although I do not know if it completely changed him, he did instantly change his occupation. Strangely enough many of the meanest brutal street thugs I encountered required at least one brutal enlightening treatment before they would respect other life and seriously consider change. Unfortunatly in most real life situations many are killed learning these lessons from police and military which rarely employ the use of smart bullets. Most monsters were first bullies with a parisitical nature. The constant use of voilent force most often unbalances them, creating new levels of madness which seems to intoxicate them. I have seen it in there eyes, there are people who truely find pleasure in others pain. They become like vampires or preditors that search out for victims at night.
For many years I actualy searched for monsters which used physical force and extreme violence to cause pain and death to others. I put myself into situations that would most likely guarentee me being attacked, this was my way to protect others who were unaware of these preditors, and honestly at the time, to taste bitter sweet revenge. I started this completely in a freelance manner when I was 16, It was only a matter of time before I was discovered in a shake down by government agents. I openly confessed to what I had been doing, exept I kept the shooting with rubber slugs on the low down because you could not own a handgun in that state under 18. I would use two 32" x 1 1/4" round rods to defend myself most of the time. At the time one of my biggest goals in life then was to be a United States Marshal, I tried to use this as an opportunity to work with them, but they said I was not old enough to even begin training and probally thought I was just some crazy kid. Since I was not breaking any laws I could not be stopped by arresting me and was warned not to pursue such matters as for they were extremely dangerous and not a game. To my delight my persistance over time lead to the need of my assistance one night. I impressed several agents so much that I was utilized from time to time. My age worked in their favor, the street thugs never expected a kid like me to exist. The agents were intrigued by my level of skills and enthusiasm for this peticular dangerous field. I was more of a rogue informant source since they would not let me in the game full time. After I got my own apartment I decided to quite one of my jobs because I was making a lot of money in construction. At that time I was a painter and commercial paper hanger my boss loved me, my ambition, height, and strength, combined with my ability to memorize anything he show me. I got a raise almost every month for quite a while, an average paper hanger would install 80 - 120 yards of material a day, I was producing 280 - 420 yards of materials a day. I had become addicted to my night activities with only one job I could get more involed now. I would gather information and surveillance for various agents, I felt a little safer from legal trouble while conducting my own agenda on the side I never did illegal things but I was in the danger zone. Inspiring criminals to have a convition of heart by standing up and overcoming them in such a way as to make them afraid for their own life can be quite a thing, especially when it involves gun battles. To see this little reality swap in the eyes of some ruthless being can be addicting in itself after you have seen the damage they can do, it feels like a sort of clensing. This really seemed to have an effect on them, it tamed them, and I at the time I thought it was just plain good therapy for all parties involved. Now aware that there was a war being conducted every day and that people were hunting and killing even the rightous and holy people, sent me into levels of sadness and vibrating rage that I had never experienced before. Discovering most urban disturbances are controlled by mobs created the fear of being violently hacked to pieces then burned and dragged by the savage group. This seemed like a real possibility to me from what I witnessed on the streets. This greatly disturbed me and changed my personality for ever. If I was ever going to feel safe, or protect myself, a client, or a loved from a blood thirsty barbaric hoard, I would have to train to become a modern Warrier unlike anything I had ever known before. I developed my own affordable smart bullets for self defence, these slow velocity rubber projectiles would offer me the opportunity to unleash my fury without killing anyone and risking my freedom while protecting myself. Due to my size and training, when being attacked I will not usually resort to gun play unless absolutely neccesary, I have fought around a dozen people at once before with a pair of defense sticks. I have literally stopped mobs of over 50 people after disabling 8 people in only a few seconds, I walked away because they were conviced they could not penetrate my bubble. They were right. When they see the damage that just one blow causes to the others there is no question, Hell No. I have a pair of 32" defence sticks, every person operates on mechanical and electrical functions. In what could appear as a dance one learns how stop anything that comes within my case a 12 foot circle. What appears to quickly slap the assailant actually destroys and breaks critical areas of the body, it is as easy as turning a light switch off, unless this person is highly trained with the same weapons they have no chance of ever reaching me. This dance only last until I see a gun then I will fight with a gun. I have never started a fight in my life, but I will not under any circumstances watch any monster destroy their victim in my presence. Many may wonder what would disturb a boy to undertake such dangerous activities, many unfortunate things led to these events. As a child I had dreams which convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have lived before, and that I will live again, by being reincarnated, this knowledge has interesting side effects. After you have lost everything you ever wanted to many times, a person carries a tremendous amount of sadness, dispair, and pain with them. When these things that are taken from you are people, things that you can never replace, You become a different person. Every day is nothing more than a reminder of what you will never have again, and what you will live the rest our your life without, and what took them away. This build up of negitive energy has to be released, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. So my reaction is to transform this energy into a positive form, and return it. I will continue to struggle to find ways to make the world a better, and try to prevent horrible crimes against others through media education, teaching the convition of heart, to inspire all to do the right thing especially those who have power over others.
Since one person can cannot be more than one place at a time, I will try to reach out into the world with film and teach the things that I have leared to others. Life is about education and learning, how to live with each other.
To be continued