Dealing with people that can hold a conversation without using the (N Word) or can relate to whats going on in the world. I don't know how someone can know everything about a "superstar" or in Hollywood but don't know whats going on in their own community.BIKES.... I can fix just about anything on a bike with a little time. There isn't a part of a Hayabusa that I haven't broken or took apart. My trouble is putting it back together without leaving out a screw or two.
JESUS to give him thanks, Stedman(Oprah's man)because that man has game, Chris Tucker because that dude is funny, Prince because Purple Rain is my favorite movie, and my grandmother in Heaven to ask her how to make those oatmeal patties for breakfast (those things were the BOMB).
Purple Rain is my favorite, followed by a very close Training Day and 300. I have to sit back on the sofa and watch it on the 60 inch widescreen! I will watch just about anything but "chick flicks", unless I want to go to sleep.
ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN Classic (GO TARHEEL BASKETBALL) (GO CAROLINA PANTHERS) (GO CAROLINA HURRICANES), the news because I like to be smart on what's going on and because Jacque Reid is the hottest anchor to ever do the news (remember her from Headline News and the BET Nightly News), I love game shows but never been on one (one day) , The Unit, and Iron Chef on the Food Network (that's where I learn how to make those fancy dishes that you be craving for). Of course I'm a big fan of PINKS (SPEED CHANNEL)!!! Yes, I like to watch that crazy Flavor Flav and I Love New
The Bible, the Newspaper and I'm loving Tony Dungy's new book call Quiet Storm (it's a must read)!!!
My Grandfather is Top Dog!!! That's my dude for life!!! My Granny because she saw the good and the bad of this world in her long life (miss you granny)! My boyz JD, BW and DD (Operation Enduring Freedom), Rest In Peace!!! I luv and miss you dudes. I WILL NEVER FORGET!!! WE DID THE RIGHT THING!!!