I work in commercial real estate in San Francisco. I play some sports. Volleyball, tennis, golf, skiing...run of the mill stuff. Couple of pertinent items:
1. People that wander through life aimlessly annoy me. Do something with yourself or at least act like you aren't a complete imbecile. (On a smaller scale this includes everyone who has i-pods on when they walk around the city. Interact with life, people, it's probably good for you.)
2. People that litter piss me off. Cigarette butts are litter. They take 12 years to break down. Look it up. If you want to kill yourself, fine...but pick your shit up. I pay enough in taxes without having to pay people to pick up after you, you complete waste of air.
3. I dig people dancing to their own beat even if I can't hear a wink of their music. If you dress wierd or act wierd or have some unusual cause or occupation - good for you. I may not get it...but get after it, pal.
4. If you own a car and operate it...learn to drive. Seriously. I give student drivers and grandmothers slight leniency in this department since we've all been one and all have one. Everyone else better get it in gear, literally. I'm tired of watching soccer moms meander along in the fast lane on their cell phones in their stupid SUV's. SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. Get it? If you can't keep up with traffic, can't figure out how to move over, and don't understand how to work four ways stops, give up the keys. You belong on a bus.
4. I'm from AZ. There's some killer people in AZ, but I had to leave. I kind of miss those folks but I was sick of the heat. It's oppressive and annoying and messes up your car. I like my cars.
5. I can drink God under the table. Not that I'm going to win in the long run...I'm just saying.
6. I'm not particularly fond of that idiom 'long walks on the beach'. It's overused and preachy.