cHaRiTy profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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¤ PinK sTaR LoVer*! ¤
"i GaVE uP CaRinG aBouT wHaT PeopLe thinK...saY wHaT You Want anD i'LL do wHaT i WanT... *BITCH....GeT OvEr ME!
definitely a beach lover!!!
i am gifted with the ability to carry out the 3 words... F*** That S***!!!! amen greenpep people....
rebel to society's weak minded followers
a freakin SUN WORSHIPPER... no question, a BEACH AFICIONADO
a certified BADMINTON and BASKETBALL lover...
i am a SHOPAHOLIC FLIPFLOP BUM..mind you. a bum with decent grades. *ehem*
i am either talking or being a space cadet, my friends can attest to this
artist. i love to SING....i WRITE...i DANCE and i am a GUITAR man addict....
extreme extrovert
dont like what you see? look away before you turn to stone or retaliate with a smart ass comment so i can shout at you.
i LOve to Live eaCH daY To The FuLLesT!!

"i LovE MySeLF sOsOsO mucHie!!!!

My Interests

i love myFATHERto the fullest even if sometimes i do turn idiotic!!! i love my family more than ever in this world!!! i love to give out random hugs and random pinches but i only do that to a chosen few so if i squeeze happy cause it means that i love you dearly! i love to hang out with the wet family( my best BARKADA ever!!) , a silent yet typical kind of girl who is pink, perky and preppy!!! i love pictures so much because i can't stand hving one simple smile!!! i am a die hard basketball fanatic and i am going crazy whenever i do watch basketball games!!! i am a super dooper BEACH BUM... i love the sun...the sand..whoooo... i love the beautiful things that surrounds me!!!! SUWEEEETTTT baby!!!!

I'd like to meet:

"basKeTbaLL LoCo"
"sPoNgeBoB FaNaTiC"
"BeacH BuMmY"


jsT donT asK Me wHaT MuSic i aM inTo foR i aM DeFiNiTeLy a MuSiC LoVer sWeeTiE!!!


Notting Hill
Lord of the Rings


spoNgEBoB SqUaRe PanTs!!! MyX!!! mTv!!! Hey arNoLd!! DexTers LaB!!! ruG-rats aLL GroWn up!!! nBa!!! UaAp!!! NcAa!!! PbA!!!


BiBLe!!! PuRpoSe DriVeN LIFe!!! ViCToRy OvEr TemPTaTioN!!! aRcHiE DiGesT!!!



My Blog


---> a simple thought for those who believe in Gods wonderful and amazing timing!!! When you like somebody so much&its tempting to make them yours even though there are so many factors that are t...
Posted by cHaRiTy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i LoVe MyseLFy So mucHie!!!

i HaVe SiNnEd qUiTe A BiT BuT i sTiLL HaVe A BiT oF RoOm FoR ErRoR!!! My LiFe iS A TuG-Of-WaR BeTwEeN GoOd AnD eViL!!!"--> cHaRiTy .... As YoU cAn sEe in my profiLe..i am in a reLationship..oh Yes!! i...
Posted by cHaRiTy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ThiS iS So0o0o ToucHy!!!

This Will Make You Cry... Jenny was so happy about the house they had found. For once in her life it was on the right side of town. She unpacked her things with such great ease. As she watched...
Posted by cHaRiTy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

When It's Really Over

This is one of the mornings after another > sleepless night that I cannot help not ask > myself, why didn't I have a good night sleep > again? Then I would just joke myself and answer > it wit...
Posted by cHaRiTy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST