i love myFATHERto the fullest even if sometimes i do turn idiotic!!! i love my family more than ever in this world!!! i love to give out random hugs and random pinches but i only do that to a chosen few so if i squeeze you...be happy cause it means that i love you dearly! i love to hang out with the wet family( my best BARKADA ever!!) , a silent yet typical kind of girl who is pink, perky and preppy!!! i love pictures so much because i can't stand hving one simple smile!!! i am a die hard basketball fanatic and i am going crazy whenever i do watch basketball games!!! i am a super dooper BEACH BUM... i love the sun...the sand..whoooo... i love the beautiful things that surrounds me!!!! SUWEEEETTTT baby!!!!
"basKeTbaLL LoCo"
"sPoNgeBoB FaNaTiC"
"BeacH BuMmY"
jsT donT asK Me wHaT MuSic i aM inTo foR i aM DeFiNiTeLy a MuSiC LoVer sWeeTiE!!!
Notting Hill
Lord of the Rings
spoNgEBoB SqUaRe PanTs!!! MyX!!! mTv!!! Hey arNoLd!! DexTers LaB!!! ruG-rats aLL GroWn up!!! nBa!!! UaAp!!! NcAa!!! PbA!!!
BiBLe!!! PuRpoSe DriVeN LIFe!!! ViCToRy OvEr TemPTaTioN!!! aRcHiE DiGesT!!!