'`~`, *+~`+*, ~`.`...the REAL ME,") caLL me annhie *+~`+*, ~`.`stUdent nUrse... 5'1 in hEight.. fair in cOmPLx'n, inteLLigent... hahaha
well enhance in DANCING~, STUDIOUS type...jOLLy...i hate duLL mOments... braTT...i Love PiNk & skybLue stUffs.. Let me see. Im an easy person to get along with. always open to meet new people. Im not much of a shy person, I usually have a lot to say and can pick up an interesting conversation with a stranger, but there are times i can be quiet or seem out of it depending on my mood at the moment. I can get moody or annoyed easily but only for a short period of time. Im the type to get over things fast and brush my shoulder off with the quickness. Im usually the layed back type, but at times I can worry a lot. not only do I look out for myself, but for everyone else as well. always making sure everyone around me is comfortable because i feel bad when people are left out. i can be outspoken at times but I would never say anything to put anyone down. i try to be as polite as I can. i may joke around with people at times but I know where to draw the line. Sometimes im not all nice as I seem. I pick up bad vibes easily and there are some people out there that take me the wrong way. but fuck them. I am what I am. I have a selfish attitude at times, but thats usually just a defense mechanism to avoid being taken advantage of. Some people say that they always see me smiling, some say they dont..Some claim im weird..some might say that im flirt...i simpLy dont c",re.well, they're maybe right.. hehe... jUz kiddin. Im a simple person,i dont want to make things complicated..Im funNy(I think?!)yOu'll seE,when im with my friEnds,who are wAy wAckier thAn i aM, i tEnd to be the one Laughing, nOt the sOUrcE of Laughs..my friEnds aRe alL cLowns & wE feEd each other with pUnchLines.. bUt with my other grOup of friends,i tEnd to be the cLown...hahaha i realLy value life,this is why i aLways try to have fUn in everything that i do.(the problem is,sometimes i have too much funhehe!!!) It takes a lot for me to get upset, but when I do, I can say or do the cruelest things. I dont want any what ifs in my life, thats why id rather regrEt something i did thAn regrEt something i didn't dosometimes id like to claim that im a certifiEd happy-go-Lucky person but i guess im ntt..coz of the fact that i worry about certain thingsi mean aftEr all, i do worry about my future..im fickle mindEd..thats probabLy the only thing that ilL claim about myseLfi mean,im really surE about thathaha.. Hhhmm?! what else?! I like to think, as in a LotI love creating poems..i hate wAkng up earLy,i hate pLastics, peopLe who think they're cOOL but are actUaLly...stUpid, hypOcrites (who likes them anyway?!).I love my family.Im kinda close to my big bros but, since they're has someone to keep them busy all the time, we are kinda like drifting aparti realLy treAsurE my friEnds cOz i knOw having nOne would realLy dull... i think i can easiLy adjust to different. attitudes of different persOns cOz ive been exposed to so many various cultures not only in my schools but also when i go out...but other than that, im one pretty cool ass motherf*kka to have around. but then again, just see for yourself c",)