Conversationalists who can beat the seven-minute-pause, anyone with a good idea of how to waste an evening, and your usual motley assortment of pierced, tattooed, &c.'d misanthropes.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Fuck all, here we go...
Mahler, Beethoven, Holst, Rachmaninov, the Doors, the Beatles, the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, .45 Grave, Christian Death (Rozz Williams, not the screeching strumpet), Fields of the Nephilim, Bauhaus, Joy Division, KMFDM, Conflict, Rasputina, Voltaire, London After Midnight, Alice in Chains, Lacuna Coil, Disturbed, Marilyn Manson, Tool, Megadeth, Megaherz, Pipedown, Cradle of Filth, Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Wumpscut, Type O Negative, Electric Hellfire Club, Aphex Twin, Rob Dougan, Rammstein...
And I'm done for now.I am 9% Emo.
.. Okay... so I'm not emo at all.. I am probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... I am probably a metal head... or into boy bands... Take the
Emo Test
@ FualiDotComI'll just let that speak for me there.
A Clockwork Orange Titus Secretary Quills Amelie Hero Clerks
Coupling (see: BBC) various Adult Swim programs You know what? I pretty much hate television.
Paradise Lost, Milton Stranger in a Strange Land, Heinlein American Gods, Gaiman Goetia Faust, Goethe The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien The Incarnations of Immortality series, Anthony
Heinlein for the prose and virtually anyone who's managed to make a significant impact.