My Remmy ran away T__T I'm so sad.. Remmy was my little girl toad.. She's such a sweetheart and I don't know if I'll ever see her alive again.. I love my Remmy! Pray for her to come back alive and safe!
Attention bands: Just add me. I don't listen to music on here. Don't bother sending me messages, just go ahead and add me cos I'll accept you either way.
Attention people who leave annoying comments: My profile is like chris benoit. You leave retarded comments and i go into a 'roid rage and strangle you. oh and you're also off my friends list.
Easily entertained; some would call me creative; most would call me annoying; I've got an Associates degree in IT; I made this background myself and it took me forever; I have a bellybutton; I enjoy playing Fable and GTA VC; I'm random; I'm arrogant; I hate women; I think of myself as more of a guy; I'm starting to drive; i dorifuto my moth :3 JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION! GET IN THE CAR!!!; red always goes faster; I have 2 beloved salamanders, 1 beloved newt, 2 beloved Toads, and 1 beloved bunny; my pets' tank was cleaned a few times since ???; Valentine's day is overrated; I like those little heart-shaped boxes of candy only because there's a variety of flavor-filled chocolate delights within; I prefer to make roses out of clay rather than receive them; I make incense burners and sell them; I like biology and chemistry; I used to be able to see better; I need a job VERY badly and I'd like to work at Progressive; I'd rather play bass than guitar because I know I'd be good at bass; I want to punch people who are on phones when they shouldn't be; I love Lost although it's starting to fail hard; I'm addicted to pop (soda for you people who are normal); I can't drink heavily colored beverages or it'll make my pee burn; ever since I started calling pop "soda," it's given me the hiccups every time I take a swallow of it; i often ask, "is this loli?"; I'm actually starting to clean my room; I want to redo my room; I enjoy bright, neon colors mixed with silver and black; I like glow in the dark stuff; large things frighten me; I'm small; I want to lose weight so I can wear stuff without repulsing people; I tought myself HTML and CSS, and I'm going to tackle JavaScript next; I do web sites for people and I'm -good-; I'm not the best on telling time unless it's a digital clock; i wonder when sarah will notice what i have done; when I try to talk to people, I blank and can't talk right; my memory is alarmingly good; I need to go to the dentist; I'm related to my dentist; I don't have a doctor; I haven't been to the doctor since I got my shots about 10 years ago; I'm not up to date on my tetanus shot; I like calling it a Tetris shot; I enjoy playing Tetris; I'm up to level 78 on my cell phone; I have an exquisite invention for pop (but I'm not telling!); I believe in aliens; I believe in ghosts; I believe litterally anything is possible as long as you can think of it; I sometimes sit around and think things like, "Why am I me?", "I am in this body. No one else is but me. I am the only person who is and can be proved real; why am I ruling this life?"; I believe I have a special purpose in this world; I believe I'm something other than human; I'm the purest person I know; I've never tried a cigarette; I've never tried a drug; drinking is bad and I only do it when anybody gives it to me; alchohol burns my blood vessels and makes me have to pee; I enjoy fruit; I like the grainyness of pears; I love eating squid; I will eat almost anything as long as I've never had it as a pet; i has big bewbs; ostrich burgers are delightful; I forget what alligator tastes like; trampolines rock; I capitalize Earth; I don't drive; I'm destined to get breast cancer; I know for a fact God is real; I think I've typed enough in here.I adopted a cute lil' kitty fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
adopt your own virtual pet!