Piero profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am able to move one eye at a time and I hope one day this will make me rich. In the meantime I am a part-time student at the "Thomas Magnum" Institute of coolness in Brookline, MA. This semester I am taking "theory of chest hair display" and "advanced mustache-growing techniques". I am a brilliant student.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Tony Soprano, Silvio Dante and Paulie "Walnuts" Galtieri; Spongebob.


Nick Cave (with or without the Bad Seeds), Paolo Conte, Tom Waits, Les Claypool, Primal Scream, Vinicio Capossela, Afterhours, Subsonica, Morcheeba, Moby, Depeche Mode, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, The Stooges, Jimi Hendrix, Jethro Tull, RHCP, Chemical Bros., Prodigy, Fat Boy Slim, Galliano, Sonic Youth, The Rolling Stones, Giovanni Allevi, etc. etc.


Paolo Rossi - Il Monologo su Pericle

Paolo Rossi - Il Monologo su Pericle rifiutato da Domenica In e trasmesso su Ballaro'

Grande Mario Brega!

So commmunista cosiiiii!

Mario Brega

So commmunista cosiiiiiiiii!

Funny drole Lino Banfi Mi Avete Preso Per Un Coglione


Marco Pannella

Marco Pannella parla del caso Welby

Campioni del mondo!

Cannovaro lifting the 2006 fifa world cup!!!

Appello al voto di Silvio Berlusconi (ABOLIREMO L'ICI)

Avete capito bene?

Berlusconi doggystyle


Duetto Apicella e Berlusconi

Duetto Apicella-Berlusconi nella villa in Costa Smeralda, in Sardegna.

Berlusconi speak "maccheroni" English

Prime minister speak english in a press conference with George "dabliu" Bush. Old School, The Virgin Suicides, Casablanca, La dolce vita, 8 1/2, The Deer Hunter, Easy Rider, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, Fargo, Play it Again Sam, Memento, Lost in Translation, American Gigolo (!), Midnight Cowboy, MAGNOLIA, Fight Club, American History X, The Believer, Hana Bi, Brother, In the Mood for Love, The Battle of Algiers, Mystic River, etc. etc.


The Grapes of Wrath, my forthcoming authorized biography.


Franco Califano, my dog, Nic when he's drunk, Graziano Biglia, Eddie, The man with no name (only for Clint's fans).

My Blog

Giovanni Allevi - Go with the Flow

Posted by Piero on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:24:00 PST

Pasquale Zagaria

Posted by Piero on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:37:00 PST