Playing Drums, Foozball, Ping Pong, Working out with Team Pump, Hanging out with my parents, Skateboarding, trying to play the guitar, drunking dance parties, Drinking with my friends though I am cutting back somewhat, pretty much anything with my buddies because we can make sitting around a party, I like learning all sorts of trivia because you never know when you need it.
Arnie, Will Farrell, Sting, Tom Stanton again, the dicks who jumped me a few weeks ago, Christopher Watkin, James Talor, myself when I was 14 so I could fill myself in on all sorts of useful things to come, Yngwe Malmsteen he rips, Neil Pert. I think that is about it
I don't really want to take the time to list a bunch of bands so, I love classic rock, I love all 80s, I really don't like any music from the 90's except some old metal bands (at the gates, death, and old cannabal corpse). I have an appreciation for all sorts of music, and go through all sorts of phases, but I usually always listen to metal and hardcore stuff.
Any Tom Hanks movie. I really love watching any movie but I don't like scary movies that much, I am quite a pussy when It comes to scary stuff.
If I get time to watch I love to watch the Simpsons, The Learning Channel, The History Channel, Discovery, VH1.
Chuck Pallanuk, I read Dante's inferno a long time a go and it was pretty creepy to me, I love Stephen Kings IT also.
I don't really know who my heros are, but I think that everyone can be a hero to sombody at some point.