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scendi.. il diavolo ti aspetta...

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i'm gonna catch soul n faya!

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come il demiurgo..

...vorrei ritrovare la mia sophia..


If I had the chance love

I would not hesitate

To tell you all things I never said before

Don't tell me its too late

'Cause I've relied on my illusion

to keep me warm at night

and I've denied in my capacity to love

but I am willing to give up this fight

Been up all night drinking to drown my sorrows down

But nothing seems to help me since you've gone away

I'm so tired of this town where every tongue is wagging

When every back is turned

Theyre telling secrets that should never be revealed

Theres nothing to be gained from this but disaster

Heres a good one

Did you hear about my friend

Hes embarrassed to be seen now

'Cause we all know his sins

If I had the chance love

I would not hesitate

To tell you all things I never said before

Don't tell me its too late

'Cause I've relied on my illusion

to keep me warm at night

and I've denied in my capacity to love

But I am willing to give up this fight

Oh I am willing to give up this fight

[Sarah McLachlan - Dirty Little Secret (Thievery Corporation Mix) ]

io sono la luce.. il calore senza tregua...

.. invece voi ..

che divorate la notte ...

voi che inseguite il mistero..

voi che celebrate l'ambiguo..

voi che vi fate sedurre dalle passioni..

tentare dai sensi...

.. Voi che mi avete adorato come fossi un dio


..non vi siete mai chiesti..

se io abbia un desiderio..

vorrei vivere una notte

.. anche una sola


[il sole agli uomini ]


Upcoming dj set
date/time location ticket type
10-11-2007 Altamarea,Cagliari ticket with Balentia
24-11-2007 Bonorva ticket FreeDrink






raggae dancehall.



BALENTIA check it out my band!.....


this is my producer (k.wild)



the bad the god the ugly- sergio leone




Nip/Tuck. .




umberto eco - il pendolo di foucault




YéshùSùà Bàr jhWh
