My Blog
new mistakes, challenges and rewarding experiences
Today, I resigned from a job that I've held for six years.
Posted by gina. on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 12:29:00 PST
John Brown
First it was hallelujah holla back X 3.then its "are you sure you're not passive-aggresively pissed off?" how is it possible that i couldn't find one blog (besides my own) about this insightful questi...
Posted by gina. on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:28:00 PST
Hallelujah Holla Back!
I didn't have cable when I was a kid so now I'm a TV junkie. My new favorite is VH1's The (White) Rapper Show - its painfully funny to watch. Kinda like when Ali G interviews politicians and...
Posted by gina. on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:24:00 PST
san francisco
i had the best time in San Francisco. I wanna move there!! Here are some highlights. we got into SF in the evening. went straight from the airport to cece's house. changed clothes, had a couple drinks...
Posted by gina. on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 02:04:00 PST