Lady PanterA profile picture

Lady PanterA

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Layout made by xemoskaterx

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

My interests vary. I guess you could safely(heh) say that I am into the darker aspects of life. If it's twisted, unnatural or strange, it has my name all over it. I fucking love music. It is a huge part of my life. Old or new, I like it all. I have gotten into the local band scene here lately, and might I say WOW! There are a lot of kick ass bands out there just waiting to be heard and or discovered. That is my new mission, to help promote these fucking bands so the rest of the world can find out that they are missing. I would love to be a radio personality someday soon.
You are very random, changing moods everyday. You are very genuine, and you like to do a lot sexually. When you find something that you like, you like it a lot and want your lover to like it too.

Ideally you like to find a partner who is as into sex as you are. You want a lover who is just as independent as you are and you like an equal amount of give and take in the sack.

Sex matches: Aries, Gemini, Libra
'What is your Sexual Zodiac?' at

I'd like to meet:

Phil Anselmo (again)
You scored as Freddy Krueger. You are Freddy Krueger. You are evil, but enjoy having fun. Sure you made some bad choices in life, causing some parents to attack you, and burn you alive. But hey, you have even more fun now than you did then! You prefer waiting for your victims to fall asleep, so you can have fun with them in your world. But if they pull you out, you dont let that stop your fun!

Freddy Krueger






Hannibal Lecter




Captain Spaulding


Michael Myers


Jason Voorhees




Buffalo Bill

Which Horror Killer are You?
created with



Nightmare on Elm Street (anything freddy), Jason, Halloween, Saw 1 and 2(2 was better),House of 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, Child's Play, the list could go on and on but those are a few of my favorites that I have seen a billion times. Rob Zombie is a fucking genius!


Family Guy, Medium, Simpsons, Law and Order SVU And Hooray for Pee Wee!


I am a big Harry Potter fan (yes yes I know I'm a dork but hey what can I say)


My Mom, Dad and my brother. Without these people in my life, I would still be searching for my self.

adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog


I just needed to get a few things off my chest. First I wanted to apologize to any of my friends which I have seemed to ignore or not respond to lately. Every thing is so fucking crazy right now. I do...
Posted by Lady PanterA on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:17:00 PST

Noise in my head

So, I woke up a couple hours ago and now I can't go back to sleep. Fuck it, I will just stay awake. I have been laying there trying to filter the noise that is in my head. Millions of questions that m...
Posted by Lady PanterA on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 04:55:00 PST

The winds of change

It amazes me how things in life come and go sometimes as quickly as they came. Jobs, friends, values, goals, and love. What seemed so certain never to change one day suddenly does. People in my life h...
Posted by Lady PanterA on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:41:00 PST

Life is in an uproar

Ok, so I don't usually write these things but I guess it's about damn time I do. My life has been in a total uproar here lately. Moving, leaving someone, trying to start life over. I am so fucking con...
Posted by Lady PanterA on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 09:14:00 PST