jamming,bookz, tska playing billiards...yan...n0 more n0 less!!!hehe
hALerz!!!hmmmm, of curz friendly, tska kind, and nice to be with...tska aztiggggg...uhmm db????hhehe bsta...     ,     ,     ,    Â
alternative!rNb, rock, pop rock, classical rock, jazz rock, slow rock, rnb rock, reggae rock, punk rock, new wave rock, blues rock, alternative rock, disco rock, death metal rock, metal rock, broadway rock..mga fAve kOOOOOOOOOHHHH..........here t0night, br0ken sonnet, take no, wishing, bent down,underneath the waves,Life supp0rt, bLue sky, thE dAy u sAid gudnYt, kAhit pA, kUng wALA kA, i d0nt wanna miss a thing-aerosmith, here without u...high....
the n0teb00k...