Loving life! profile picture

Loving life!

Tryin to do whats right....

About Me

%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A Other than that, I'm a nice, fun, unique, stylish person. I like to stay out of the house because I'm an only child and it gets sooo boring. My favorite animated character is Betty Boop!!! I like to sing, read, and just hang out..And i dunno.. if u want to know more get at me....%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?: 1:40 AM
Name?: Ashley
Nicknames?: Ash, Ash-Bash, Ashy-Pooh, Ashy-Boop
Date of birth?: 7/8/89
Sex?: Female
Height?: 5'7
Eye color?: Dark Brown
Where were you born?: Wilson, NC
Number of candles on your last birthday ?: aww.. i didn't have one.. : (
Pets?: A cute lil Puppy .. JAX!!!
Hair color?: Brown (w/ dark red highlights)
Piercings?: Ears
Town you live in?: Raleigh
Favorite foods?: Italian, Chinese, Mexican.. (I guess I don't have a favorite)
Ever been to Africa?: NO.. and I don't wanna go
Been toilet papering?: lol.. what's that?? sounds fun!!
Love someone so much it made you cry?: Oh yes...
Been in a car accident?: yes...it was all my fault!!
Croutons or bacon bits?: Croutons
Favorite day of the week?: Saturday
Favorite resturant?: Friday's
Favorite flower?: Roses
Favorite sport to watch?: Football
Favorite drink?: I don't have one
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Batter
Warner Bros. or Disney?: Disney
Favorite fast food restuarant?: Taco Bell
Carpet color in your bedroom?: Crappy w/ specs
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: none
Whom did you get your last email from?: ANNA!!!!! luv ya gurl!
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: BAKER'S
What do you do most often when you are bored?: Get On Myspace
Most annoying thing to say to me?: So? (Ughh.. I hate that.. how rude)
Bedtime?: Whenever I Get There
Favorite TV show?: General Hospital!
Last person you went out to dinner with?:: Jaz, Dj, Eric.. how fun was that.. lol
Been out of country?: No
Believe in magick?: No
Ford or Chevy?: lol. . . who cares?
What are you listening to right now?: Keyshia Cole.. Down and Dirty
Have you ever failed a grade?: Nope
If you have, what grade did you fail?:
Do you have a crush on someone?: Not Really
Do you have a bf/gf?: Nope
If so, what is their name?:
How long have you been together?:
What are you wearing right now?: Betty Boop pj's and shirt
Would you have sex before marriage?: um..
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Oh Yea!
Are you a virgin?: Yup!!
Do you smoke?: No
Do you drink?: No
Are you ghetto?: lol.. Sometimes
Are you a player?: No
What are your favorite colors?: Blue, Purple, and Red
What is your favorite animal?: Dogs!!
Do you have any birthmarks?: No
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: No
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: I dunno
Have you ever been slapped?: yea.. long time a go.. (by my mom)
Do you get .. a lot?: Yea
Are you shy or outgoing?: Moreso outgoing than shy
Do you shower?: Yes!!
Do you hate school?: Nope
Do you have a social life?: Yup
How easily do you trust people?: Probably less than I should
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Plenty!!
Would you ever sky dive?: Nah
Do you like to dance?: Ofcourse
Have you ever been out of state?: Yes
Do you like to travel?: Yes
Have you ever been expelled from school?: NO
Have you ever been suspended from school?: NO
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: I am out of there!!
Are you spoiled?: YES
Are you a brat?: NO
Have you ever been dumped?: Come to think of it.. No
Have you ever gotten high?: No
Do you like snapple?: Not necessarily
Do you drink a lot of water?: No.. even though i should
What toothpaste do you use?: Colgate Whitening
Do you have a cell phone?: Yes
Do you have a curfew?: Sometimes
Who do you look up to?: Gwen H.
Are you a role model?: lol.. i dunno
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: No
What name brand do you wear the most?: Umm... hard question
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Gold!
What do you want pierced?: Nose and Tummy!
Do you like takin pictures?: Yes!
Do you like gettin your picture taken?: Yes!
Do you have a tan?: Nah
Do you get annoyed easily?: Yes
Have you ever started a rumor?: Nah
Do you have your own phone or phone line?: Cell phone
Do you have your own pool?: No
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Boxers
Do you have any siblings?: A lil Bro
Have you ever been played?: Yes!
Have you ever played anyone?: Yes!
Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes...
How do you vent your anger?: I get very aggressive
Have you ever ran away?: No, but I've thought about it a couple of times
Have you ever been fired from a job?: No
Do you even have a job?: Yes
Do you daydream a lot?: Yes
Do you have a lot of ex's?: I think so
Do you run your mouth?: No
What do you want a tattoo of?: Betty Boop
What do you have a tattoo of?: Nada
What does your ex bf/gf look like?: Which one?
What does your most recent crush look like?: He's darkly toned w/ black hair... very cute
Whats her/his name?: I'll give a hint..it starts w/ a J and ends in a Y
Have you ever been bitched out?: umm .. No.. I wish a ..... would!
Are you rude?: No.. ofcourse not
What was the last compliment you recieved?: probably on my hair
Do you like getting dirty?: lol.. no thanx
Are you flexiable?: Physically.. NO
What is your heritage?: I'm mixed w/ Hispanic and Japanese .. w/ a lil.. j/k! I'm all black
What is your lucky number?: I don't have one
What does your hair look like right now?: I have a hump in the front .. twists on the side.. Crimps in the back.. THANX LISA!!
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: NO
Describe your looks?: Jus' Sexiness!!
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: Black
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: umm.. Not unless he was to die for!!
Would you ever date someone older than you?: Yup.. always do
When was the last time you were drunk?: You tell me!
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2
Have you ever been skinny dipping?: No
If yes, when was the last time?:
When was the last time you went on a date?: its been too long
Do you look more like your mother or father?: umm.. i say my dad
Do you cry a lot?: no more than others
Do you ever cry to get your way?: No
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: I BET!!!
Are you the romantic type?: Very Romantic
Have you ever been chased by cops?: No
What do you like most about your body?: My Lips!
What do you like least about your body?: My knees.. yuck!
When did you have your first crush?: I don't remember
When was the last time you threw up?: Last year sometime
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?:
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: NO!
What about cleavage?: Yea
Is your best friend a virgin?: Yup!
Have you ever fucked someone up?: lol...I BET!!
Have you ever been fucked up?: Nah
What theme does your room have?: BETTY BOOP!!
What size show do you wear?: 9 - 10
What is your screen name on .. scandyash
How are you feeling right now?: Sleepy
When was the last time you were at a party?: E-mans B-day Party!!
Have you ever given a lapdance?: No
Have you ever recieved one?: Yes
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: lol.. Oh yea!
What is one of your bad qualilties?: Sarcasm!
What is one of your good qualilties?: So Smart!
Would you marry for money?: No
What do you drive?: My feet!
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: Daddy's Girl!!
So?: Don't Be Rude!
Well?: And?
When was the last time you cried in school?: Wow.. I don't remember
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: Nope
What kind of music do you like?: All Kinds.. no hardcore rap though
Would you ever bungee jump?: Maybe
What is your worst fear?: Not being a Success
Would you ever join the army?: No
Do you like cows?: To eat
If you were to die today, what would you do?: Take a visit to see someone Special..and pray for the rest of the day!
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?: I dunno.. I guess it all depends on who that someone is.
Do you like to party?: I sure do!
Hearts or broken hearts?: Hearts
Moons or stars?: Stars
Coke or pepsi?: Coke
Favorite scent?: Joop!! lol.. haha
Favorite band?: none
Would you ever dye your hair red?: Nope
How many languages can you speak?: 1.. and a lil spanish
What time are you finishing this?: 2:25 AM
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Most Gospel (as long as its not dragging), Go-Go (my aunty got me turned on to that), Jazz,Classical Music, R


The Phantom Of the Opera (my fav), Titanic (2nd fav), Hitch...(i like love movies)... BETTY BOOP!! .. ..


Flavor of Love, I love New York, Real World ( I just love reality tv...keep it real!), General Hospital!


God, My Mommy