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Medieval Rooster

Why do you need a voice when you have a verse. -Jim Elliot

About Me

My name is Jason and I am a high school teacher in the Kansas City area. My goals in life are simply to serve Christ in whatever manner He chooses to employ me.
I was born in Kingman, KS and moved around with my family until we moved to Eudora, KS when I was in the 3rd grade. On my first day of school there I met Bryan Cribbs. I was the shy, nerdy, new kid but he introduced himself and we became best friends. During the summer before I started 4th grade we played wiffle ball or some other varient of baseball together nearly every day. Spending so much time together, it was natural for Bryan and his dad, Joe, to invite me to attend church with them.
Joe was the youth leader at Families of Faith church and often drove a bus (whenever he had it running) in order to pick up unchurched kids around town. My sister and I both attended Families during the years we lived in Eudora. Joe and his wife, Cathy, made every effort to reach out to children--even collecting kids in their station wagon on the Sundays when the bus wasn't running!
One Sunday in September the Gospel message was presented during children's church and I felt compelled to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. Though such an action was not exactly the modus operandus of this shy nine year-old boy, something about the message that day, the worship service, and my own longing for the Lord helped me to take that bold step.
At the time I had no idea how it would completely alter my life.
Since that time I've struggled to confront my own selfish nature, to battle materialism and the self-centeredness that seems to come naturally to teenagers and young adults. All the while the Holy Spirit was there and, despite my mis-steps and mis-deeds, I was always aware of God's presence.
During my college years I finally began to see how my own sin, living only for myself, craving worldly pleasures and prizes, materialism, lust, and even greed were robbing me of joy and leading me to a life of uncontentedness, neverending thirst more, one brief happiness and frequent disappointment, deviod of any joy.
I also found myself surrounded by young Christians, friends (but really brothers and sisters) who helped me see the road to real joy and to a deeper relationship with Christ. Friends like Guy, Jacqueline, Rachel, Kayme, Kim, Debra, Kari, and Janelle who lived lives witnessing for Christ. Back in the Word and daily devoting time to my relationship with God I began to model my life and character after Christ and live the way I always knew I should but never wanted to accept.
Some days I see the imperfections still within me and wonder if I'll ever be the man that God wants me to be. I know that my failures can be overcome through his grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some days I look back on the selfish and self-centered boy that I was and I weap for all of the people who had to know him. I wish I could apoligize to them for the things I did and the missed opportunities to be a good witness for Christ.
But I also see the changes that were taking place in me all along. I see how, slow but sure, my heart began to take control of my attitude and eventually my actions. I know that from the moment I accepted Christ my life course was forever changed. I still can't say that I'm free of weakness and that I live the life for Christ that I aspire to, but God has worked a miracle in the salvation of the young boy that I was and I cannot be anything but eternally grateful.
for my salvation, which I do not deserve
for God's grace, that allows me to be forgiven
for Bryan and Jo Cribbs, servants of the Lord
and for pure and perfect love that I only know because of Christ.
Christianity Survey
Do you think Jesus should be depicted with a darker complexion?: I'm not too picky but I doubt he was pale skinned.
Should alcohol sales be allowed on Sundays?: I don't care. It's not buying, selling, or drinking alcohol but rather its abuse that's an issue.
How many people attend your church?: We average just uner 200 regular attenders.
Your opinion of premarital sex?: It's a sin.
Jesus is:: The savior of a world lost to sin.
Should women/girls have bare midriffs in church?: Probably not. Modesty is a virtue and guys have enough imagination.
President Bush is:: a good man though I'm not always sure he's doing a good job.
Would you change your denomination if they allowed gay people?: It depends. If they said homosexuality wasn't a sin, yes. But all churches should welcome all sinners.
My membership status at church is:: Uh, member I guess.
How often do you doubt the truth of Christianity?: Never for long but I do question things sometimes.
My salvation is determined by:: My faith that Christ was God and that his sacrafice allows me to enter heaven as a forgiven sinner.
The Christian Bible, in it's original form, is:: The word of God.
I believe that predestination is:: Oh that's tough. Often it depends on the last book I read.
Why do you think God has not allowed Christ to return?: It's His desire that as many people as possible come to Christ. Also His time isn't the same as ours.
Once in heaven we will have memory of our life on earth, true or false?: I don't know. I don't think so though.
Should women be allowed to be pastors (or priests)?: Tough one. I say women shouldn't teach adult men about their roles (scripture deals with this), but I'm not sure that rules out being a Pastor completely.
Christian music, when compared to secular music, is:: Actually I don't like most of it. It's a long story.
God says the death penalty is:: Okay but it's not effective in our society today so it's not necessary.
Is abortion wrong?: Yes. Life begins with conception and we shouldn't end it after that out of convenience. If you don't want children then don't conceive them.
Do the unsaved suffer in hell?: Eternity seperated from God. No grace, no mercy, no good.
What's your opinion on evolution?: I believe that all things are created by a super natural God and that evolution can explain some things but not the supernatural role of God.
What happens after you die?: My body will die while my soul will go to heaven.
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My Interests

Church, Baseball, Politics and History, Vintage video games (anything made after 1990 is crap!), Mythbusters (Kari Byron is super cute), CSI and CSI: Miami, Basketball (Go KU!), Yahoo Messenger, and recently video blogging: You should check out Bethany at or Cali at!

I'd like to meet:

You mean other than the woman of my dreams? Ronald Reagan but he's dead. Live people, let me see, how about Carrie Underwood. She's so cute and man can she sing. I'm in to singers lately so add Lee Ann Womack to the list. Any of the 1985 Royals would be great too. OF course how many of them are on here, who the heck knows. So instead let's say any nice folks around my age interested in some chatting or such. I find it keeps me awake as I try to grade these dreadful papers (okay, some of them are okay and few are pretty darn good).

Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"
You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.
You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)

Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic

What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays

Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get What Does Your Candy Heart Say?


Mostly country music but my iPod is full of a little bit of everything. I have a little thing for some showtunes, a bigger thing for 80's pop, and plenty of classic rock. My favorite artists are probably Lee Ann Womack, Toby Keith, Brad Paisley, Carrie Underwood, Weird Al, Martina McBride, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams Sr., Reba (when her hair was big), and peoples like that.

Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC
"Back in black, I hit the sack,
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"

Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos.
But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last! What's Your Theme Song?

You Scored 50% Correct
You are a solid child of the 80sYou'd never confuse Tiffany from DebbieAnd while you may not know Prince's first #1 hitYou know every word to Little Red Corvette How Much Do You Know About 80s Music?


Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs, Young Frankenstein, Star Trek (especially Wrath of Kahn), The Natural, The Indiana Jones Trilogy, Star Wars


Mythbusters, CSI, CSI: Miami, Two and a Half Men, Most of the stuff on the History Channel, Nova, and the American Experience, Star Trek: TNG, King of the Hill, and, of course, Kim Possible
80's Child I Am!!!
What is your name?: Jason
What was your first computer game?: King's Quest II: To Heir is Human
What was your first video game console?: Intellivision
What was your first video game console game?: The first one we bought was Triple Action
What was your favorite cartoon as a child of the 80's?: Danger Mouse
What was your favorite arcade game in the 80's?: Spy Hunter or Pole Position II
How much did it cost to play your favorite arcade game of the 80's?: a quarter
What brand was the 1st computer you played on (was it at home or school)?: Apple II at school, Tandy 1000 HX at home (256K of RAM baby!)
What/Who do you prefer in the 80's?
5 1/4" or 3 1/2" Floppy Disks: 3 1/2" of course. Who like 5 1/4's?
VHS or Beta?: Well, Beta was better but we were all stuck with VHS eventually. I do still have a working Beta machine though!
Fantastic Four or Bionic Six?: Bionic Six
He-Man or She-Ra?: I never liked either.
Nintendo or Sega?: Nintendo of course but I still liked the Master's System.
Brainy, Papa, Handy, Hefty, or Smurfette?: I could've used Handy lately.
Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog?: Sonic is DQ'd because he didn't come out until '91. What moron wrote this?
Mario or Luigi?: Mario
Voltron or Transformers?: Transformers
ThunderCats or SilverHawks?: Thundercats
Flinstones or Jetsons?: Jetsons
Last Question
Do you miss the 80's? yes or no?: Yeah.
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
You Are Kermit
Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality Test


"The lucky man is usually the man who knows how much to leave to chance" - Lady Barbara to Sir Horatio Hornblower in Flying Colours

Romans, The Screwtape Letters, CS Forrester's Horatio Hornblower Novels (Especially Beat to Quarters and Hornblower and the Hotspur), Harry Potter (The Order of Pheonix is my favorite), 1984 and Animal Farm, quite a few things by Iassic Asimov, Tom Clancy's novels (Red Storm Rising and the Sum of All Fears were favorites--the movie was horrible though).

You Should Be a Science Fiction Writer
Your ideas are very strange, and people often wonder what planet you're from.
And while you may have some problems being "normal," you'll have no problems writing sci-fi.
Whether it's epic films, important novels, or vivid comics...
Your own little universe could leave an important mark on the world! What Type of Writer Should You Be?


Christian Glitter by

My dad, Mr. Warne, Dr. Bax, Cliff Borgstadt, Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, Bill Buckley, George Washington, James Madison, John Locke, Paul (the Apostle type)

Your Geek Profile:

Academic Geekiness: Highest
Internet Geekiness: High
SciFi Geekiness: High
Gamer Geekiness: Moderate
Geekiness in Love: Moderate
General Geekiness: Low
Movie Geekiness: Low
Music Geekiness: Low
Fashion Geekiness: None How Geeky Are You?

You Are Cyclops
Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.
You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.

Power: force beams from your eyes Which of the X-Men Are You?

My Blog

Long overdue blog posting

Okay, I'm back for a few hours. It's been one crazy spring so far. Between wrapping up basketball, getting baseball underway, spending time with Christie, and that job they keep insisting I attend d...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:26:00 PST

Where have I been?

Again, I take forever to blog an update.This is the busiest time of year even when you don't make time for Christie (which would be a dumb thing not to do). Basetball season is winding down. The fre...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:26:00 PST

Ten odd/interesting facts about Jason

So the point of this game is you post a blog about ten weird habits/random facts about yourself, and then "tag" ten people who then have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. You h...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:00:00 PST

Where have I been?

I confess, I haven't blogged in weeks.  I'm horrible.  I know.  I have a really good excuse though.First, let me thank those of you who have been praying for my dad and grandmother.&nbs...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 09:17:00 PST

Prayer Request

If you could please, I have a couple of personal prayer requests.  Today my dad went back for his 3 month check-up and they found new tumors in his bladder.  He's been battling bladder cance...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 03:19:00 PST

Should Christmas be a national holiday?

I found an interesting article in Christian Science Monitor. The premise is that Christmas should not be a national holiday. The writer makes many good points including this one:"Last , and most imp...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 03:08:00 PST

Snow and other thoughts....

First, something positive:  Today was's 100th installment.  Congrats Cali and Neal.  I look forward to brief 1000!  Go here to watch!Now, the downer for the day: ...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 04:44:00 PST

Words of a weary wonderer.....

So, for the first time ever, I..m actually watching the Macy..s Thanksgiving Day Parade. There are not a lot of things to do in Beloit, KS and there..s no internet at my grandparents.. house.I have t...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 01:31:00 PST

The Obligatory Thanksgiving Blog Entry

You knew it was coming!Things I am thankful for this year:In the category of NEW PRODUCTS:Splenda Flavorblends which add a little zip to my morning coffee fixIn the category of FAMILY AND FRIENDS:My d...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 03:51:00 PST

Dear Michael Mooron

Well, it didn't take long for Michael Moore to weigh in on last week's elections.  After all his lies and misrepresentations I can't believe he has any credibility left.  I spent some time r...
Posted by Medieval Rooster on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:53:00 PST