Keith profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Not a materialistic sort, unless we're talking about cameras, road bikes and my FJ. Then I'm totally materialistic.

My Interests

cycling, photography, road tripping, movie nights, backyard barbecues, going to see little known rock bands before they get known, reading non-fiction books, blasting tunes in my truck, going back to the Humboldt coast, hanging with my homies in Portland, would like to start my own magazine…

I'd like to meet:

Met Lance Armstrong. He crushed the best the world had to offer for seven years, and he could do it again if he wanted to. Oh, and he also kicked cancer's ass first. Salma Hayek, she's broiling hot. James Nachtwey, his images are absolutely incredible. No one has photographed the world the way he has, except for maybe Sebastiao Salgado. Kevin Smith has made some damn funny movies with dialogue you don't get any more, so he's on the list. It would be great to spend a day listening to the musings of George Carlin unfiltered and get inside his mind. He's a comic genius. Ben Bradlee — he's from the old school and he ran a news department that brought down a presidency.


Most things rock n roll, favorite song right now is State of Love and Trust by Pearl Jam because even though its a few years old, it still kicks the ass of most music that produced today


Epics like Saving Private Ryan/Band of Brothers, and edgy stuff like Narc, and then there's The Incredibles.


History channel, discovery channel, comedy central, NFL, OLN, and HBO back when I had better cable


I have so many I haven't even read yet. Used to like Tom Clancy spy novels be he just kept writing the same book. Now I pick up non-fiction books because sometimes real life is more interesting.


My parents. They did everything to make sure my brother and I had every opportunity possible.