At the moment I don't have clearly defined strong interests. I've been listening to a lot of music, of all kinds. Chasing paper dragons across an astroturf plain. ??? I've also garnered a growing interest in imbibing in distilled beverages. Jim Beam anyone? And as of late, Guitar Hero II on my Xbox 360. I'm trying to learn to thrash, pixelated style.
Anyone who can hang with me on a raging bender and not cry about days of no sleep. Sleep when you're dead.....
I'll give anything a shot except for new country music and Yanni. I just can't trust that moustache and that flowing mullet. I even think he feathers it. Johnny Cash, aka "The Man in Black" is definitely the man. Trans Am, The Flaming Lips, +/- and some old school country fill my ears at the moment. I also tend to venture into the electronic world. Gotta love music made by people manipulating electrons.
My Favorite Movies: FIGHT CLUB, O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU, AMELIE (love the cinematography and color saturation), my new favorite LAYER CAKE(such an f*in sucker for those british gangster flicks)... Actually I'll watch just about anything except those girlie movies that require boxes of kleenex. No thanks.
I tend to surf the channels stopping on any train wreck that happens to catch my eye for the moment. I will say that I'm not a particular fan of the reality shows. Cartoons are always a good choice.
I'm illiterate. It's sad. A true product of this decaying american education system. Nah, just kidding. I just haven't read much as of late. I keep meaning to, but you know what they say about good intentions...
Michael Treadway - father, musician, friend - and proof reader. Thanks Mike.