.paola profile picture


status report...i've called it a day

About Me

officially.... i don't give a shit..... unofficially....i care more than you could ever know.

My Interests

scale maps of the ocean floor. monster truck rallies. skateboard videos. being a terrible jokester. hardwood floors. living room acoustic sets. the crackling/popping sound at the beginning and end of a record. the coast. Texas friends. The Texas-Ohio connection. making cupcakes. art type things. the vignette effect. reading books in spanish. speaking spanish. prison tattoos. tattoo phrases.simple art. mark rothko. watercolors. typewriters. naps. traveling. photography:digital. editing. photobooth pictures. poloroids. Film (yours not mine). lomo. being a nurse. trying to get to europe. new buddies. beards. catchphrase. big dogs. hot dogs. sidekicks. friends who write well. inspiration. unexpected smiles. text message communication. getting deep. decrepid swing sets. the gun range. porches. bryan's hot chocolate in the winter. getting awesome. shitty awesome. getting flowers and mix CDs. chilly nights and warm thighs. good kissers.jokes. laughing til you cry. sarcasm. assholes. alone time. friend's art and WCG.

I'd like to meet:

people who believe jesus christ is their personal savior.


neutral milk hotel, songs:ohia, explosions in the sky, saetia, wolf-parade, give up the ghost/american nightmare, rise against, murder city devils, some girls, panic, wire, bob dylan, nick drake, bright eyes, desaparecidos, paramore, the good life, the avengers, johnny cash, jolie holland, marcus's mix CD, the blood brothers, neurosis, unwound, the final plan, the clash, alkaline trio, denali, le tigre, bikini kill, huggy bear, the buzzcocks, the bronx, the rolling stones, primal scream, the smiths, the pagans, blondie, ella fitzgerald, cursive, hot water music, count me out, suicide file, gun club, interpol, jets to brazil, taking back sunday, marvin gaye, the pixies, pretty girls make graves, radio birdman, the misfits, pink floyd, the nerve agents the cure, morrissey, the mummies, guitar wolf, the registrators, teen-generate, the spoiled brats, the rip offs, the jam, X, tom waits.


kung fu hustle, y tu mama tambien, superbad, sex and lucia, bad education, talk to her, city of god, The ballad of jack and rose, wet hot american summer, dream with the fishes, love me if you dare, spanish/mexican movies in general, old school, the big lebowski, the boondock saints, pretty in pink, the nightmare before christmas, edward scissorhands, the princess bride, the breakfast club, lawn dogs, amelie, the royal tenenbaums, imaginary heros, the dangerous lives of altar boys, harold and maude, gummo, spun, the goonies, buffalo 66, sixteen candles, better off dead, zoolander, super troopers, one flew over the cuckoos nest, love actually.


ON DVD. thank you net-flix. my new addiction. Carnivale and Lost. thank you Stef---Freaks and Geeks. loving it.


Palahniuk, Bukowski, Camus, Salinger, Kafka, J.T leroy, Burroughs, Nietzsche, Dickinson, Plath, Kerouac, Marquez....blah blah god i'm predictable and boring. also Mosby's Medical Dictionary and the book ..And i don't want to live this life written by Nancy Spungens mom.


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My Blog

this bright new city

so i've been back in houston for almost two months. so far, so good. work, friends, living situations are all good. it feels right being back. california was great. the last seven months of it anyway....
Posted by .paola on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 11:51:00 PST


"In the midst of winter, I found there was within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus   p.s. misery loves company.... invite me over...
Posted by .paola on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:02:00 PST


kind of rules right now. in small ways. i think i've smiled more in the past two days than i have in a while. never take for granted the people that love you. sometimes i just want to buy a pla...
Posted by .paola on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 02:40:00 PST


i have a new plan i'm kind of excited about. i went to a liquor store and bought a 100 ml bottle of jager. about flask size. real cute and shit. fits nicely in a purse and is about three 1/2 shots i w...
Posted by .paola on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:30:00 PST

blowing out eardrums, sore throat syndrome

Can i just say how much i fucking love American Nightmare. i probably just blew my eardrums out listening to background music on high volume through my headphones. pretty much the greatest ...
Posted by .paola on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 06:49:00 PST

No Heros

I helped my buddies Ryan and Erik Zunkley on the shoot for Converge's new video. it was all studio/green wall stuff. My job was to play rollback, basically start and stop the song so the band cou...
Posted by .paola on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:28:00 PST


i was watching freaks and geeks earlier and there was the rocket launching scene. and i remember i made one in elementary school and i spray painted it camo. it was a pretty sweet rocket. i got all no...
Posted by .paola on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 12:10:00 PST


i actually like it here and i'm having a really good time. i could see myself staying here for longer than originally planned. but we'll see. i live in a hotel room, so possibly finding a room to rent...
Posted by .paola on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 06:00:00 PST

good messages.

this is a message i got from my old friend. i used to play in a band with him in high school. i don't know why...but i really liked it. in that it was almost something you would read out of a book. ho...
Posted by .paola on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 02:05:00 PST


missing H-town....but sometimes visiting somewhere is better than living there. no way, its home. i'll find my way back. unglamorous/sleepy    my good talented buddy Bryan.   Bryan...
Posted by .paola on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 05:05:00 PST