BeN profile picture


Everyone Will Worship The Fucking Ground I Walk On

About Me

I steal babies and sell them for drug money. I compare 40oz bottles and Volvos frequently. I take cartoons seriously and have devoted my life to building an empire on factories that make those plastic things on the end of shoelaces. I co-created the cast and script for the box office seller "I Know What You Did Last Birthday Time". I own the Grotto, and I sell vases to homeless people. I'm one bad motherfucker, don't steal my wallet, let me finish my breakfast, and it's a chopper, honey, a chopper.

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Prevent (or Cause) Do You Know the Hip-Hop Lingo at LiquidGeneration! ....

My Interests

good question

I'd like to meet:

Plato, Rip Taylor, Gymbo Jak, one of those guys who can spin a bunch of plates on sticks really fast.

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Taxidermist, Mindless Self Indulgence, Black Flag, Ministry, Sublime, Operation Ivy, KMFDM, MDFMK, Against Me, Bunchofuckingoofs, Stray Cats, Chubbie, Leftover Crack, Dayglo Abortions, Death By Butterfly, I Hate Sally, The Distillers, HorrorPops, Limp Wrist, The Flatliners, Fucked Up, Tool, Flogging Molly, Gwar, Rancid, Fuck The Facts, The Havenots, Jack Johnson, The Jollys, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Rage Against The Machine, System of a Down, Tom Waits ..... stop asking


Coneheads, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Full Metal Jacket, Snatch, I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST BIRTHDAY TIME, Stir of Echoes, SLC Punk... There's more, but fuck it.


should be shot


Catcher In The Rye, Life Of Pi, 1989, Animal Farm, Man Of Steel: Joseph Stalin... you know, those classicy ones



My Blog


enough said?
Posted by BeN on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 07:38:00 PST


I've come to a conclusion. No matter what you do, everyone else will get their way. You can try and try, but no matter what, you can't get what you want, you can only get other people what they want b...
Posted by BeN on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 04:00:00 PST

The Greatest Shit

This is a brief description of "I Know What You Did Last Birthday Time"    The raw edge of my dagger will shred that blackened pulsating thing you call a heart. You will fall, lifeless and w...
Posted by BeN on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 06:47:00 PST

Fuck You

I don't like motherfuckers. I also don't like motherfuckers that fuck with shit. Especially if shit involves me. And shit sucks. Saying fuck you, don't be a stuck up cocksucker and go fuck yourse...
Posted by BeN on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 06:00:00 PST