~*~moxious_missy~*~ profile picture


I Don't Belive in Fairytales

About Me

I'm Missy, 22, female, New Brighton. There, that covers the basics.

I have a wonderful four year old son who appreicates rock music, mohawks, "macaroni" pizza (aka pepperoni...) and spiderman.

More about me: I have three tattoos (pics are located in the handy "View pics link"), i fit the description of the typical redhead, and I like wontons.

Some noteworthy changes that have taken place recently include but are not limited to: I have moved for the fourth time in a year...it really is more like a hobby of mine, I am a Catholic School Girl once again! (I started school at St. Kates), and I just became a Pure Romance Consultant. So check out my Pure Romance page =)

And one of my favorite quotes:

"Some of the most successful relationships are based on lies and deceit. Since that's where they usually end up anyway, it's a logical place to start. "
-Nicholas Cage in Lord of War
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

    Reading Music Hockey Tekken 4 concerts shoes
    Ground Zero travel government conspiracies The dollar section at Target
    sea otters driving at excessive speeds vampires catholic school girls tattoos piercings retail therapy
    BDSM french manicures zoos cheesy comedy movies filling out forms moving Chuck E Cheese rope big sunglasses
    knives masochism plaid skirts high heeled shoes car insurance flip flops red lipstick the internet.

I'd like to meet:

midgets , Dane Cook, Nick Swardson and people willing to bring me wontons from time to time. According to Mr. Swardson...being old will rock!!.. width="425" height="350" ..If you have a problem with that maybe you should take that up with Mr. Laser. -IgnignoktSay goodbye, cavemen! Go beat rocks together! -ErrThe explosion shall be of extraordinary magnitude. Just hang on. -IgnignoktTo Boston:


    Everclear Better Than Ezra Stone Temple Pilots Red Hot Chili Peppers Staind Hole
    Mudvayne Tupac Sneaker Pimps Foo Fighters Pink Floyd Tori Amos Elton John Nine Inch Nails Smashing Pumpkins Counting Crows Depeche Mode Sarah McLachlan Alice In Chains Republica Frankie Sinatra Sublime Radiohead the Streets Dashboard Confessional Cracker Led Zepplin Punk Bunny
    Louis Armstrong Tom Petty Bush Coldplay Howie Day She Wants Revenge Tool


    Princess Bride Empire Records Lord of War House of 1000 Corpses Devil's Rejects Old Skool Trainspotting
    Elf Blow Riding In Car With Boys Wedding Crashers Charolette's Web Reality Bites Peter Pan Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory Waiting Gone With The Wind Wizard Of Oz ET Nightmare Before Christmas Corpse Bride Grandma's Boy Madagascar Office Space


    Aqua Teen Hunger Force Family Guy Simpsons Conan
    those VH-1 I love the 80s/90s Shows Daily Show The Colbert Report That 70s Show Futurama
    The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandee Fosters Home Of Imaginary Friends X-Files


    Pandora - Anne Rice On The Road - Jack Keruoac The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Marukami
    chick-lit books (big fan of the confessions of a shopaholic) books on Religion "The Mother Trip"-Ariel Gore the "Sleeping Beauty" trilogy from Anne Rice written under A. N. Roquelaure


cable_6's mother