Music and dancing, cooking, reading, writing, history and politics, geography, SCA, science fiction and fantasy, word games, etc., etc., etc.
I prefer to meet people who are both principled and broad-minded, both sober and kooky, both knowledgeable and ignorant. I'm not yet much into on-line social networking, though I am on MySpace (as you might have noticed). Most of my friends I meet in person, not on-line.As for famous people I might like to meet in person: Jesus, Shakespeare, Joanne Rowling, Bono . . .
Star Wars (especially episodes 3-5), Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Young Frankenstein, The Princess Bride, Back to the Future, This Is Spinal Tap, Bringing up Baby, Stage Door, the Fred and Ginger movies, The Lord of the Rings, et al.
Babylon 5, Deep Space 9, music videos, History Channel, Star Trek, Deperate Housewives, Seinfeld, et al.
LotR and The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, The Wind in the Willows, the Enchanter series, Lest Darkness Fall, Howl's Moving Castle, Good Omens, the Discworld series, the Hitchhikers' "trilogy", Tea with the Black Dragon, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, The Forme of Cury, The English Dancing Master, Orchesographie
J. R. R. Tolkien, William Shakespeare, L. Sprague de Camp, Joanne Rowling, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Katharine Hepburn, Jimi Hendrix, Steven Tyler, Bono, Jesus.