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Lady Wolf

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Demystifying Paganism

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R u a true witch?

awsome, ur a witch
Yeah ur a witch, and thats cool. So am i. Glad ur not one who thinks they r.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Make that power of four! You are a witch.

What are you (demon, witch, whitelighter) on Charmed?
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You are a Triquetra...

What mystical symbol are you?
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Pagan Jewellery Quiz

The insrciption for your piece of jewellery reads: I am the Beauty of the Green Earth and The White Moon Amongst the Stars. You have a level of understanding and Wisdom beyond most of the other people, maybe you seem a little strange to them- but you can divine the truth.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
NIGHT MAGICK - Night Magick is a complete
curriculum of magical development based on the
Yin primal force, as opposed to the major
religions of the world, which are predominantly
Yang. You emphasize the use and balanced
developement of the Physical/Etheric Body, the
Astral/Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and the
Causal Body. Through regular and consistent
practice, you, the Night Magician will develop
psychic abilities, increased vitality, stronger
focus, and union with your Oversoul.

What is Your Magick Path?
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Congratulations you have achieved level 4 witch
status... you have studied hard and learned

What Level of Witch are you
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Which Charmed Magic Item Are You?
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Your a witch (i guess)UM..... you know spells and
use them often. You have friends but no one
knows who you truly are.
Your saying:Don't mess with me or I'll cast a
spell on you.

What creature of darkness or you?(COOL PICS)CHANGED
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The Land of Moonlit MagicYou are a siren of the Land of Moonlit Magic. The
moon is your goddess and you follow her with
a mystic eye. You stare up the night sky and
question the world. You are inquisitive and
that is wonderful. You feel most comfortable
in the night air under a cloudless sky. You
thrive under the moonlight.

What is the mystical land of your birth? {13 results with gorgeous anime pics}
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You are a Confident Witch! You can walk the walk and talk the talk! you know
what you're doing and are a born leader.

What kind of Witch are you?
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You're a wolf!
You are predatorial, social, and usually motivated
by your survival instincts.
You have a strong sense of loyalty and your
friendships are very important to you.
You are nocturnal by nature.

Congratulations! As a wolf, you command
respect and awe from those around you.

What pagan familiar are you?
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You Were a Wolf
You have an instinctual intelligence that guides your life.
Your family and "pack" is of primary importance, and you protect them. What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
Silver Moon Witch. you are the moon witch. you are
peaceful,solitary,and full of logic. some
will even comapre you to the godesses. your
song is "a winter's tale" by AFI

What witch are you? (gorgeous pics - 7 different results)
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?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla Which of the Four Elemental Goddesses are you?(With Pics)
You are the Goddess of Water. You are a very loving, you show your emotions out in the open. You are full of wisdom. Also dreamy... You would rather be sleeping then awake. But are still very happy. You are most inspiration to the other Four Goddesses since without water there wouldn't be life.Other Water Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya, Ran, Kupala, Salacia
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~Solitary Angel~
You like to be alone. Away from people you have
time to your self, and time to think things
over. You hate crowds, the heat, the
confinitey, you want open space, a way to let
go to be free. Freedom is truly what you
Freedom is something gained, never to be let go
of. But alos something to share.
" Freedom, a gift of the greatest
value...wat i crave... wat i need"

What is the angel form of your spirit?
brought to you by Quizilla What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Hybrid:

The Hybrid is the symbol for Change. You have a two faced soul that may reflect inside your personality.

Strengths: Even though you may feel like an outcast to the world, you have the eyes to see beauty in things better than anyone else. Magick is also a strong key in your life and healing is one of the past time rituals you do best. Whether it be a wounded friend or a broken heart, the world never seems to knock you off your feet for long.

Flip Side: Having the Hybrid soul brings to you the transitions between Rebirth and Death. Sometimes new thing come while others die away more often than you think. Shapeshifting is another point kept closely to the Hybrid soul, for you always tend to change your looks and personality to either fit it, or to get out of the mainstream society. You keep your friends puzzled, and always surprised.

Congratulations! You have a Hybrid inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

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The Covenant, Pirates of the Carribien, Lord of the Rings, Highlander, Blade, Van Helsing, Constantine, Troy, Anything by Stephen King, Kingdom of Heaven, Underworld, Pitch Black, Cronicles of Riddick and much more! Which Magical Order Are You In?
You are a Spiritualist. Your magic flows from the primal forces of the cosmos. You could be a gentle Healer, a miraculous Prophet or a spirit-summoning War-mage with the strong link your soul provides to the realms beyond reality. You have preternatural abilities, intutively sensing the personality of people you meet and discerning events yet to happen. You enhance your aura with meditative pursuits. You are a good judge of character but your idealism or morality can confuse others.
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Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Ghost Hunters, Fallen, Prison Break, OZ, Medium, Anything on Haunted Places or Paranornal activity.


Books on wicca/pagan,witches& witchcraft, vampires,paranornmal, ghosts and hautings, mystics, mystery and related subjects.