♫aubrey♪ profile picture


Lifes not about waiting for the rain to pass. Lifes about getting out there and dancing in it.&heart

About Me

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Hi my name is Aubrey.
Im AsIaN
im not going to give you an acronym of my name and say thats who i am,
the wonderful Andrew James Petty has put up with me for almost 9 months.. an accomplishment in itself. i'd be an everlong list if i tried to tell you all the times he's made me smile.. i love that kid with all my heart.. ♥ :]
hes my one and only
S U P E R D R E W ♥

if you just meet me.. im pretty sure you'd think im obnoxious and insane.
honestly.. youre right.. but as u get to know me, you start thinking its funny and well, Aubrey-ish
I like teddy bears and jewelery
As any girl would
I write alot, although few have seen any of it.
im pretty happy alot of the time, depending on if im content with my disgusting and vial look when i see my self in the mirror first thing in the morning.
i dont have expensive hair products that make me look like i just hopped out of a pantene pro-v commercial
i dont have sparkly nails that make me feel like a princess
but i have fun with what i do ahve.. i go crazy with clothes and outfits, shoes and accessories, everything in my closet has been worn a gazillion times but no same outfit twice :]
Rain is a deffinate mood changer for me, depending on who im with. alone = sad // with drew = :]
I hate stormy days.
They put me in a bad mood.
phil is my big bro and i ♥ him
M U S I C. i couldnt live with out it..literally
any type of music.. i love. from hip hop to heavy metal, from country to soul, from bluegrass to cristian rock,new rock, and alternative, from oldies to 80's, pop, jazz raggs and blues, stomp teams, and forign bands.. from top to bottom.. music is my everything
Jesus Christ is my hero.
I want to live in japan.♥
heights and speed make me smile
I love to run, but i cant for long periods of time.. and not talking miunets, i cant run down my neighborhood w/ out passing out
I'm extremely out of shape and it really gets annoying.
some people have guessed i was 8, and others 18. i dont mind. its fun to look cute and little, its alright to look older. either way i get to smile :]
i tend to talk too much and sing to myself too often, tell me to shut up.. honestly i will N O T be offended.
Im pretty easy to be around.. Unless ur an asian hater..Then something big is about to go down.
It takes a lot to get me to stop smiling..
Unless youre my mom.Shes good at that.
I play piano..its okay on occation.. when i play just to play, but 99.9% of the time when i play.. its not cuz i want to.
I love to sing and dance..
In my room in my underwear.
i dont really mind your thoughts on that
i have a naked lady in my living room 24/7, i dont know if youre amused of confused by that, either wayt i jsut thought i'd b fair to let everyone in the entire world know that.
Its a statue.
Tim cioffi is amazing at drums
im not really a material girl, i love designer bags and clothes, but i much rather have a gazillion outragous shoes, then a few COACH bags
I can definitely be a spazz.
I love frou frou.imogen heap. and snow patrol, not my favorite bands.. but theyre the ones on my mind at the moment
Ive cried in every single movie Ive watched.. its pretty sad but o well.. one day
I love summer. and swimming :] I cant stand when youre at the beach and u can see a guys butt crack. Um ew?
Im paranoied about everything.My deepest fear Is being alone.I always think someone Is watching me.
If I walk down the street alone..Someone WILL rape me.
I like bubble baths.I miss my rubber ducky.
I dont like snow..Unless im snowboarding.
My favorite color is teal.
I love shiny/metallic things.
I believe in love at first sight. criticize me for it.. and start an argument.. but .. i win :]
I love jumping up and down and laughing.. [that contributes to the obnoxious factor]
I get confused easily.
given everything i just told you.. unless you've met me.. you still have absolutely no idea who i am..

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I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the lt...
Posted by A♥U♥B♥R♥E♥Y on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 10:22:00 PST

if you want to know about me...

okay so if your interested enough to read this i would deff. consider you amazing. personality: well it really depends what kind of personality you have to interpret mine. occationally i may come off...
Posted by A♥U♥B♥R♥E♥Y on Mon, 29 May 2006 06:04:00 PST